Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Authors Note

Soooooo, call me Britney because Oops I did it again.

You's all must think so bad of me for promising regular updates on this story!

Well anyway, on with the story and I hope you guys enjoy it.

Slowly releasing my eyes from the glue like sleep that kept them shut, I realised that Kanamori was nowhere to be found. Getting used to the fact a Goddess was inside of me; I no longer doubted that the encounters were real. My sleepy scan of my room had not been interrupted by the usual chirp of the birds or an occasional whisper, but an unusually loud conversation from outside of my door.

To whom I could guess they were coming from... "You know I can hear you all, you idiots?" I shout followed by a hefty sign.

As if my words had summoned them, Kenny creaked the door open and slid his head in slightly into the room, followed by Renji and then Toshiro. As if in one of those old black and white, speechless comedy movies, their heads appeared to hover above one another as only their heads could be seen. Without hesitation, my eyes; as if they had a mind of their own, rolled a 180 angle before a small smirk and giggle left my mouth.

They all looked at each other to confirm that the tension in room had been broken before entering. "I apologise for the rude interruption but despite the strange occurrence that happened last night, you still require training for the battle."

That's when it hit me... All of my emotions jumbled inside of me like someone has stuck them in a washing machine and set it on spin. Much of that night was a blur to me but one thing stuck out, the captains... no my captains in front of me knew that I attempted and succeeded in postposing my fight to Captain Yamamoto. I look at all three of them individually with regret and fear in my eyes and it was if Mother Panic had multiply slapped my across my face for a week.

Before my emotions would cause me to jump straight out of the window and escape from this hellish lifemare, Renji suddenly spoke up as if he had read my mind "He doesn't know you lied.... Yet"

"It's best to just start your training and hope that he doesn't" Kenny adds, giving Renji a slight death glare for his "yet" remark.

------------------- TIME SKIP -------------------

The sun blared on the grassless field so much so that the heat could be seen radiating off the sand dust floor. This uninhabitable desert place was my training grounds. Despite my deceit to not only Captain Yamamoto but to Kenny and Toshiro, they managed to get over it pretty quickly when their training regime had been build around throwing their strongest attacks at me until I learned to defend, dodge and attack with just as much power.

Sitting on the floor; slowly baking in the scorching heat, I notice Renji walking towards me. I grabbed my water and began to sip, preparing myself for whatever was to come. Every time I seemed to be with him, we were always in some sort of situation... I never properlynoticed him until now.

His chiseled and rugged appearance matched perfectly with his kind of dorky but cool and collected personality. Just as my thoughts began to wonder off, he sat beside me noticing the blush that appeared on my face and his only reaction was to match it.

Sensing a weird awkwardness, I grabbed my sweat towel from around my neck and flung it in his face before saying "Can I help you?"

Slightly disgusted and almost gagging, even though he had just pulled this despicable rag from his face, he was still the colour or crimson. I couldn't help but feel confused on how I didn't put him off but when I followed his shocked gazed down to my chest, I realised that my cleavage was slightly revealed due to my training uniform; which was a pair of wide leg linen culottes and a (slightly too small) crop top. "For god's sake" I murmured as I grabbed the towel back from his hands embarrassingly to cover my indecency. My sudden actions and quick realisation that I figured out what he was looking at, he twisted his neck so he faced the opposite direction.

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