Chapter nineteen

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* * * Time skip to the near end of the party * * *

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* * * Time skip to the near end of the party * * *

The night was coming to an end and everyone was on a high from the alcohol that was consumed... But (Y/N) was especially buzzed since it was her first ever time drinking alcohol. The shy God had came out of her shell, mingling with all of the captains like she had knew them for years. (Y/n) slurred nonsense to them all like "I love you's all so much" and "will you be my friends forever" to the captains but the responses she got were all positive.

Kenpatchi and Hitsugaya sat at each side of (y/n) carefully watching over her to make sure she was safe, body guard like or even brotherly. For once (y/n) felt like she was opening up easily to interacting with potential new friends and she loved it, everyone was so kind and welcoming to her that she already felt like she had gained a third family (the second one being ichigo and the gang)...

She made sure she hugged everyone at least three times, apart from byakuya kuchiki... He had done nothing but give the god the cold shoulder and turn his head in disgust at her presence. However since (y/n) was highly intoxicated, she only pouted and made wining noises close to his ears only causing him more annoyance. Just as (y/n) turned in disappointed, Hitsugaya assured her "He does it to everyone... Don't take it too personally (y/n)" whilst giving her a soft welcoming smile. Taking action against his welcoming smile, (y/n) slowly leaned her head on her shoulder and gazed up into his eyes to secretly thank him for helping her through her first day. All this emotion started to make small Toushiro turn the colour of beetroot, but instead of turning away and hiding his face he returned the gaze and smiled.

Despite (y/n) having the time of her life, she would catch the odd death look from the other gods who were not having as good of a time as her. Usually looks like this would make (y/n) feel nervous and extremely intimidated however the alcohol numbed her senses and some of her emotions, causing her to react differently... But it a good way. She brushed it from her shoulder and continued her conversations with all of the captains.

Taking a slight break from the multiple conversations she was involved in, (y/n) took her wobbly hand and grabbed her 5th bottle of sake. She licked her lips and stared intensely at the bottle, preparing herself for the tingling, numbing, throat heating liquid. Hitsugaya noticed her eyeing up the sake bottle and began to assess her body language to determine whether she could handle another bottle. She was constantly trying to keep her balance, even though she was sat down. Every time she spoke, the words coming from her mouth seemed to jumbled up like she was changing the structure of the letters and creating new words. "She's even got a bit of dribble coming from her mouth..." Toushiro thought staring at the small drip of spit that was dangling from her soft pink lips.

"I think it's probably's time to call in, all of the gods have heavy training for the next five days and we need them to be prepared" Hitsugaya announced as everyone in the room turned to look at him. Just as (y/n) thought the party was going to carry on, all of the captains stood up, nodded in agreement and bowed to the gods that sat underneath them. Before she could try to convince them to stay, they all started to exit the room.

(Y/n) had her puppy dog eyes on her face as she started to feel gloominess taking over her. She stared as she watched the other gods leave with their assigned captains... The blonde ponytail girl that had radiant skin left with captain soi fong and komamura sajin. The young man with dashing brown hair and a natural pink to her cheeks exited with captain unohana retsu and captain kyouraku shunsui. And the last god that was a small girl with black pigtails left with the captain called kurotsuchi mayuri and ukitake jyuushiro.

After the exit, the only people left in the room was (y/n), Toushiro and kenpachi. The remaining God took a look after them, displayed a gleaming smile and started to stand up. Her attempt was done with extreme effort but despite her effort she slowly fell forward, her hands didn't break her fall in time as her head clashes against the floor before her small delicate hands could be placed on the floor. With her brain and senses still numb to any type of feeling and pain, (y/n) took her hand to her head and started to cry with laughter.

Kenpachi and Toushiro looked into each others eyes, Toushiro as serious as can be whilst Kenny holding back a giggle. After seconds of holding it back in Kenny also burst out laughing as her nodded and said "yeah I know, I'll take her to bed" as he pulled one of her arms up to get (y/n) standing on her feet. Not long after finally getting the intoxicated God on her feet, kenpachi couldn't help but notice that she had lost the proper use of her legs, they were wobbly and could hardly hold the weight of a feather never mind the weight of her own body. Acting upon his thought, with one swoop he slipped his arms underneath her legs and lifted without effort. (Y/n) slightly taken back by the quick motions was trying to adjust her eyesight to her surroundings but when she finally realised where she was she started kicking about and hitting Kenny's face "get off me Kennny! I may need dru-drunk but I can still use my friggin legs"
"Well we've tried doing that already and you've already failed at using your legs, this seems to be the only option to get you to bed... Unless you want to sleep here?" He replied sarcastically. Taking another slight look at the room She noticed that it had changed, it all of a sudden seemed scary without the lights and wonderful food on the table. To show she had changed her mind, he legs stood still and her arms quickly wrapped around kenpachi's neck. He let out another chuckle and started to walk out of the room, closing the large oak and gold door behind him.

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