Author's Note

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Hey guys,

I'd just like to apologise about how long it has been since I have updated this story. 

My lovely dog recently passed away and I just really didn't feel like doing anything at all... but i thought I would at least keep you in the loop about the whole situation. 

I don't know when I will next update this story, but I'm gonna try my best to get my butt into gear and get the creative juices flowing. 

I hope anyone that has just recently started reading is enjoying the story so far and I REALLY hope that anyone that has been a fan since day one can hang on just a little longer, I promise I WILL finish this story!

Laters Guys and Gals,

This page is dedicated to my best friend, soul mate and fur kid. 

You were and forever will be the light of my life. 

Rest In Peace Buster

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