Chapter Thirty-Four

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*** Authors Note ***

Yeahhhhhh, I'm finally back!

I have this story planned out and I am hoping it will get back on track after an EXTREMELY long break.

It's not huge but I hope you's all enjoy this chapter!

Don't forget to leave comments and like the chapter if you enjoyed it!! I love to hear feedback!!


My kimono flowed behind me as if it were my shadow as I wondered out of my room in hope of Captain Yamamoto residing in his office. "This is such a big risk..." I think to myself as I closed my door silently behind me but before my mind could change my hearts decision, my mouth moved as the words 'But it's a risk I am willing to take" left my mouth.

After pacing the grand halls of each division building trying to avoid being spotted by any passerby's that may take me back to my room, my swollen and broken feet eventually took me to the door of the office owned by Captain Yamamoto. A small droplet of sweat ran down from my brow as a wave of nerves danced in the pit of my stomach.

I raised my arm and held it inches away from the mahogany, engraved door, reluctant to even graze it let alone smack my knuckles against it. I closed my eyes and let my body take action before my mind could contemplate any longer but before my hand could meet the heavy golden door handle, the door etched open with ease and a voice echoed from inside as if the voice had unlocked the door to escape the room.

"Come in child" a calm voice said from inside.

Even more nervous than before, I grasped the side of my baggy kimono and shuffled between the gap of the door and stood with my head bowed down in front of the Captain.

My eyes did not leave the floor as I whispered my apology "I am extremely sorry for disturbing you Captain, but I must speak to you urgently."

His long white brow raised with amusement with how cautious I was with my words. Without a reply, I assumed I could carry on with my plea but as I opened my mouth to speak again, Captain Yamamoto said, "Young girl, your legs quiver beneath your body... do you need to rest?"

Even though a mixture of nerves and tiredness of running to his office caused the quivering, I used his sympathy to my advantage to begin my selfish lie.

"Again, Captain... I apologise for the disturbance but I believe I must postpone today's fight. I have injured myself during intense training and I do not think that the battle would project my full potential if I fight in this condition."

The captain looked at me attentively, as if trying to sense or smell the reliability of the words coming from my mouth.

In order to secure my woven tale, I suddenly jerked my left leg forward causing me to fall to one knee. I gasped as if drowning under water and grabbed my kimono around my neck.

The captain rose to my fall and ran to my side. He placed his arm around my shoulder as he softly said 'as you wish child' before gently patting my back.

"Just make sure you get plenty of rest, I will allow a day of rest but tomorrow the final match will commence," he added, as I fake stumbled back to the door.

As my body slid back through the door, so did my acting. Finally out of sight of the Captain, my legs began to move at turbo speed to the destination Ichigo had written on his note.

Once I had again paced through every ally in the Seireitei, I eventually stumbled across an archway towering over a wide path that ran along side a river, which was as blue as a sapphire gemstone. Beautifully coloured koi swim in every direction and a sweet scent of the flowers that were in rows on the other side of the path tickled my nose. Taking in the unimaginable surroundings, I failed to notice that I had arrived to my desired destination. It wasn't until I lay my eyes on the large and free-flowing bonsai tree that sat next to a small pool that lead off from the main river, did I realise a sign that stated "Eastern blue stream gate.' An old but sturdy bench sat underneath the tree, which I decided would be a perfect place to wait for Ichigo.

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