Chapter Twenty Four

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

To make a long story short...

After bumping into Renji and trying my very hardest to avoid the two captains... I was later discovered by the Toshiro and kenpachi. They found me crawled up with my knees tucked into my chest, waiting for the god games to just blow over like it was nothing. To my disapproval, Kenny slung me over his shoulder when I refused to get off from the floor. They gave a prep talk and basically boosted my confidence for about half an hour, to which I vigorously flung punches and kicks in the air as I actually thought I could go through with this. Once the 30 minute confident karate session ended I again sulked in the corner about being a disappointment.

The rest of the day was spent attempting to train. The captains didn't go easy on me easy, I was made to train till I dripped the last drop of sweat from my body. They crippled me from all of kicking, lunging, jumping etc. By the looks of things, I was about to die before I even entered the god games...

* * * Time skip * * *

I was again woken by the sweet tunes from the beautiful singing birds that blessed me every morning, this luxurious start to my morning almost made me forget about what today was... ALMOST. Just as the birds were about to re-start their lullaby, reality kicked in as sorrow set over my mind, soul and body. Today was the God games... scratch that... today was the day I was going to publicly die and dishonour my friends, family and my captains. I changed my position from laying on my back, to laying in the fetal position with anticipation for the tears that I was holding back. 

In the process of finally deciding to release the tears, Toshiro violently slid open the shōji and stood at the door with one arm still placed on the now open door. "I can't let you do this (y/n) I'm sorry... I know we have been training for this moment but If you do this, you will get hurt" he blurted out. Shock was slashed all over my face as I glared back at the short man and said "Whether I get hurt or not Toshiro... I have to do this" I went from death staring toshiro to worryingly looking at my fidgeting thumbs. I quickly added "Not for you, kenny or my family... but for me." before he could say anything else. 

"All my life i've felt like I was unworthy to do anything, Ive never excelled in anything and I certainly never thought I would be in a position like this... If i don't try this then I will have to live with that for the rest of my life." Toshiro's face was in awe as I made my small speech. 

"B-but if you get hurt, I wouldn't be able to live with Myself" He whispered.

"Don't worry Captain Hitsugaya... I won't let you, or Captain Zaraki down..." I replied with a small but sweet smile on my face. 

He couldn't help but return my smile, which made him blush ever so slightly. The room fell silent after Toshiro and I shared a cute moment (omg omg cute moments with Toshiro though >.<) and thats when I heard it... the crowds or what sounded like armies of people gathering to what I could only presume was the stadium that I was about to enter. The nervousness sickened me to the point of almost throwing up, my body trembled and my mind was racing at 150 mph. 

Seeing that my nerves were getting the best of me Hitsugaya slowly walked over to my bed, kneeled down and pulled me into his small but comforting arms. Even though I felt slightly relieved, the feelings of regret still dawned on me. Toshiro got back onto his feet and left the room, before shutting the door he turned to me and said "I'll just let you have a moment to yourself (y/n)... I'm sure everything will be okay." 

I shortly after got onto my feet and paced to the other side of the room which also had a double doored shōji that was decorated with a gold floral pattern, braced the door handle and pulled. The sun beamed on my face, blinding my vision but when I held my right hand to block the sunshine it revealed what I could only describe as the garden of Eden. 


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(A.N - Just to be EXTRA EXTRA clear, I do NOT own this picture)

What stood before me was a beautifully styled garden that had greenery as far as the eye could see. How could I not realise that this was practically my back garden! The tree's were just enough to create a soulful atmosphere but still let in loads of beautiful sunshine. But what caught my eyes the most was the occasional gorgeous baby pink blossom's that were gracefully flying from it's host. The petal's beamed in colour every time the sun caught the right angle as it fell and created a soft pink mattress below the tree. I was taken in the moment, nothing else mattered as I felt at one with nature. My mind was distracted from the crowds of noise, distracted from the Games. 

Feeing spiritual and mindful, I couldn't help but get lost in my thoughts as I sat on the small decking that looked out onto my back garden of Eden. Maybe I can do this... Maybe I can't. But I have to try. My mother and father are probably sitting at home, praying to the gods... praying to me, to help me along my journey. I need to make them proud... Plus if I win this thing, it's gonna be a great story to tell the gang! 

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