Chapter Forty-Three; Part Two

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Authors Note : 

Okayyyy... So over the past few months I've felt a lot less motivated to continue with this story. All of this stemmed from loosing my notes, story plan and everything on my laptop but I've had a lot of notifications recently from reader's on this story... 

It just wouldn't be fair to you all to leave this story hanging. 

So I hope you enjoy this chapter! It's a little short but I'm working on it!

Don't forget to let me know what you think!


"(y/n)? Can you still hear me girl? I have your precious friend just like I said I would. I'm going to crush you both from the soul outwards" 

The Goddess could barely focus on Ichigo's lifeless body as people buzzed behind in the crowds, attempting to escape the danger that stood inside of the arena. All of the Captains stood up high on alert with the sight of the substitute soul reaper in their view below them, as they tried to quickly devise a plan to keep tragedies to a minimum but to keep (Y/N), the Goddess and Ichigo safe in the process.

"ICHIGO!" Shrieked Rukia and Renji simultaneously, practically dragging their selves over the cracked, stone balcony edge. The only people that seemed to want to get into arena more than Ichigo's loyal friends, were (Y/N)'s trusty mentors.

"Hitsugaya, we need to get in there!" Kenny gritted through his teeth with frustration, worried for his new found friend. Hitsugaya nodded at his peer before they prepared to jump. However Kanamori was not about to endanger the people that (Y/N) cared more about. She raised her hand as the captains lifted their legs; "No.." she spoke, in which a clear, bubble-like force field suddenly encased the battlefield of the arena.  All that looked below pounded on the new casing, trying to break through as quickly as possible but nothing could get through.

Kenpatchi drew his sword, slashing it from left to right but the bubble sparked with every strike as if it were made of metal. He puffed from exhaustion as he put all of his strength in all of the blows "I... I-I Can-can't brea-k through" he scowled to Hitsugaya, who was still looking at Kanamori through worried eyes.

"(Y/n)? You still there?" She whispered to herself... no response.

"If you can hear me... I will not let any more people come to harm from this never-ending battle between Hatchiman and I."

White faced hallows dragged themselves through the portals, clawing there sharp, knife like nails through the dirt as if they were escaping a prison. 

She narrowed her eyes, glaring into all of the monsters faces whilst imagining the horrible deaths they would face from her hand.

"Life has a humorous way of cancelling out the evil Hatchiman... You spent your time creating fear that lurks in the dark, whilst I created something to destroy the monsters that brought darkness into this world..."

Hatchiman watched Kanamori as she raised her hands to her chest, revealing a blinding light emitting from it. Through the light, two objects began to emerge and met her hand, in which she tightly wound her hand around them and pulled gently. 

Two Gleaming silver zanpaktu's blinded the sights of those who dared to stay and watch. Each of them were ornately decorated, as if hand carved with the smallest of tools. Gold vines wrapped round each of the handles, the pattern starting out dense at the end and thinning as it reached the blade. 

Kanamori held her arms out vertically, looking at her Zanpaktu's with love. The air seemed to thicken for the Soul reapers and Captains around her as they waited in anticipation for her next more.

"Seikatsu!! Shometsu!!" The Goddess screamed at the top of her lungs, causing the master swords to begin to vibrate and eventually spring to the air. The swords became blurs in the air as they spun round quickly, even enough to cause the air in the arena to surge around like a tornado.

Two figures formed through the dense, dust filled tornado, towering over the goddess behind her but only a gleam of light from their narrowed eyes could be seen clearly. One pair glowed a bright yellow and the other pair a Scarlett red. Their intimidating glares only softened upon looking at Kanamori below them, as if reunited with a long lost family member. The ground shook when two different coloured arms emerged from the tornado 

"One is as white as snow... One is a black night" (Y/N) whispered from within, staring through Kanamari's eyes in awe. Kanamari chuckled to herself as (Y/N)'s comment before whispering "Both are extremely loyal but that loyalty can be extreme enough to compromise the purity of their souls" She looked back at her brother before shifting her view to the Soul reapers. 

"I hope they forgive me for what needs to be done to end this..."

"Wha-What are you talking about Kanamari?" (Y/N) questioned with a puzzled but concerned tone to her voice.

"Bankai..." The goddess whispered

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2020 ⏰

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