Chapter three - (y/n)'s P.O.V

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"Crap... My parents are going to kill me, they would never let me out this late."
I grasped the brass door handle, deciding whether to enter from the front door or to take my chances trying to climb to my window.
"What good what that be, knowing my luck I'll probably's fall and break my neck" I thought to myself.
I slowly pushed down the handle and opened the door. Nobody seemed to be down on the bottom floor even though the lights were on. I quickly lunged inside, turned face forward to the door and shut it as quietly as I could. Taking a deep breath I turned around but to my dismay, my parents stood before me with their arms crossed and with a angry look on their face. "Oh my, here we go" I thought as I rolled my eyes so fa to the back of my head that I thought I could see the back of my skull. "Where do you think you've been! We have been worried sick! You know tonight was important!" My mother said, starting our little battle off. "(M/n - mothers name) calm down, we don't want you to stress too much" my father said as he grasped her shoulder. "She is right though (y/n) we have been so worried about you... Tonight was your night but now you've missed it... We'll have to reschedule, tomorrow possibly? I'll have to check my diary to see if I have a free slot"
"I am not one of your patients that you can slot in whenever you feel like it! Did it even occur to you that I didn't come home because I didn't want to be at my special occasion" I exclaimed sarcastically.
"This is your birth right, you are different (y/n)... You have never been just a normal girl... You need to understand that you need to be responsible for your role as a g-"
"No don't say it! I am not that, I will never be that" I quickly interrupted before dashing up the stairs to my room. I didn't want to be different. I just wanted to live a normal life, hell I wouldn't even mind worrying about overdue homework and assignments. But no, I had to be chained down with this burden. Walking to my room, I noticed that my door was slightly open revealing the light from my night lamp. When I flung he door open I was shocked to find a tatty history book and a scrap book placed on my desk. They must of left this here on purpose. Anger gushed over me as I grabbed them and flung them across the room and flopped onto my bed shortly after. Only minutes had past before I peeked my eyes from my arms to gaze upon the books. I guess it wouldn't harm anyone to take a quick look, its probably's some old crap my mom wants to pawn off to me anyway. I slid from my bed and crawled on all floors, intensely staring at the books before flopping to the floor. The old book smelt funny and the pages were worn out, "Christ how long have we had this thing" I thought to myself before opening the front cover.  The first page displaying the title "the history of gods, goddess' and deities."
Oh hell no were they trying to force this crap on me, I slammed the book shut and slid it aside. However curiosity got the best of me as I turned my head to the book, only to notice a bright pink posted note inside of it. I wondered, why in hell would they section a part of that crap, they know I wouldn't want to know that stuff... But they also know that I can be such a curious little thing at times. To there fortune, curiosity over-ruled my stubbornness.

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