Chapter Seven

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V
School is the only normal thing in my life at the minute so I couldn't be happier this morning. After such a breath taking night, I really didn't think today could come any quicker.

I slid from my duvet and staggered like a zombie to my wardrobe to grab my uniform. "I do still hate these early morning though" I thought to myself as I started to unbotton my pyjama shirt. Once I was fully dressed I waltzed back to my bed and grabbed above to reach my curtains in order to pull them back. To my surprise it was as dark as death... "This can't be right? It's morning? The sun should be burning my eyeballs!" I exclaimed with confusion. Taking a deeper look out of my window, I noticed something quite odd. What I was looking upon was not my front drive but nothing. There was literally nothing to look at, it was all just as black as night. As if we were just floating in space... Minus the stars. Panic took over me as I ran to my door to alert my parents of the situation... But there was no door handle. "What the fuck is happening!" I screeched as I was pounding on my door like a drum. Then softly but suddenly... "If you keep hurling your hands at that door like that, you may break it..."
Even though My face turned as white as a ghost and I could feel my knees shake below me, I sarcastically replied "maybe that is the aim." Who the hell was in my room... Better yet, how the fuck did they get in here when I have NO bloody door handle!
Keeping one hand on the door, I slowly turned my head to look across the room to reveal a girl sat on my bed dressed in the most beautiful silk kimono that I had ever seen. It was a teal blue at the top but darkened in colour towards the bottom, it was also decorated with delicately sown flowers that were lavender colour but what caught my eye the most was her luxurious long silver hair that hung down to her hips, complementing the embroided butterflies that also had the colour of the moon. From day one of my life, I had been taught to NEVER talk to strangers... But something was telling me that I knew this woman and when I have a feeling... I am normally right.
"Who are you and what are you doing in my house" I asked sternly
"Do you not recognise me (Y/N)? We have met before..." She paused
"But only when you were young" she said as she stood up.
"I don't recall even being acquainted with you lady"
"Well we will soon change that won't we, please (Y/N) take a seat." She held her hand in the direction of my desk chair and even though Sitting was the last thing I wanted to do right now, my body felt it had some kind of obligation to follow this woman's commands. "Are you going to make me guess who you are, or are we skipping the formal introductions" I sarcastically scowled.
"My my... Quite a little attitude you have, I was once young and mischievous like you... That it why you have been the chosen one for quite some time now (Y/N)"
I burst out laughing "okay okay, my parents must have hired you to make me believe in that God thing, what a bunch of laughs... Mum! Dad! You can come out now! Jokes are on me, you's are very funny!" My laugh slowly died as I turned to look at this woman to realise she was glaring into my soul.
"Look, I don't know who you are and what you are doing here but I kinda need you to leave... Like now... Please" I cautiously said. For all I know this could be a crazy serial killer that gets off on this kind of stuff, manners might persuade them to spare me. What was I kidding, even after asking "politely" for her to leave, she again took a seat on my bed. However this time she didn't look so graceful, she took another look at my face but with worry in her eyes and quickly burrowed her head into her hands and began to sniffle. "You're not ready... I-i thought after your parents explained, it might be time.... But your not anywhere near ready to accept." Something clicked in my brain, I didn't want to ask but the things she was saying made me think. "What is your name?" I said calmly but sternly. No reply came from her mouth. "I said what is your name god-damn it"
"You should not speak such blasphemy in front of a god young one!" She harshly replied.
"This can't be... No... This is all in my head, I'm going mental" I said with a worried snigger to my voice. "No (y/n) this is all real... What you see is not your bedroom, but a figment on what I have created in your imagination for us to speak to one and other...." She said as she stood up and started to walk towards me. "My name is kanamori Shina... Goddess of creation and destruction... (y/n) we are one and have been since your childhood accident. I pulled you out of that coma." Lost for words I glared into her eyes. When suddenly light had cascaded the room, it was blinding. Everything was a blur but when it faded I jumped from my bed and gasped. It must of been a dream I plundered, with all of this adrenaline I jumped on to my feet and grabbed my curtains to pull them back. Relief, happiness, all of those kind of emotions hit me like a wave as I was staring at my drive with the sun blazing on my face. I signed and flopped on to my bed. "I guess it was all a dream then..."
"I should probably's get up, if I don't I'll be late" I thought to myself. I couldn't help but feel like I was experiencing a déjà vu moment. Regardless, I grabbed my clothes, quickly changed and headed downstairs for my breakfast.

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