Chapter Thirty-Eight

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***** Author's Note *****

Yeahhhh sooooo, I took the teeniest break...

I hope you's haven't lost interest in the story! 

Honestly, I have the rest of this story planned out but I just didn't have the motivation to write.


Consciousness gradually came to (y/n) like an old sand timer. Vision still impaired and hearing muffled with a slight ring as if she had been caught in the blast of a bomb, she managed to hear the odd sentences from an exchange around her.

"How did she get here?"


"We need to get her out of here now"


"Just pick her up!"

In a vegetable state, (y/n) tried to mutter a few words to her rescuers but not even a whisper could leave her mouth.

Before she knew it, her flopped but relaxed body was lifted from the ground and held against a muscular body but she didn't need any of her senses to know that she was being held like a baby in their mother's arms.

Her vision was glued on the path they had walked and all (y/n) could see was the reflection of the snow white moon glistening on the blue river she had ran along side not long before her black out. (y/n) found a small amount of strength to turn her head to look up to at her savior, who had long red head that was tied back, fringe held back by a bandana. A familiar feeling rushed over her... she knew who this was but couldn't quite seem to remember his face or name.

"The black out has made my head fuzzy" she thought.

The journey was short due to the heroes changing their brisk walk, to a light job to get (y/n) to her destination, which turned out to be her room. It wasn't the same as her room back at her house, but she couldn't help but feel acquainted and comfortable to her part time home at the soul society.

She could feel her concussion-like state decreasing just before the red haired man gently placed her on her bed. He was thoughtful enough to even pull back the duvet covers, position her on her side and pull back the hugging covers over her.

Even though her warm bed engulfed her like a tender embrace from a loved one, she raised her body up by her elbows, watching the back of her heroes heads as the exited her room.

"Renji..." she spoke. Although the name rolled off her tongue so easily, she was quite surprised that even in such a confused state, her brain was finally beginning to work again.

He swiftly spun round to face (y/n), shocked at the sudden change in her condition before running back to her bedside and kneeling in which the second mystery savior mimicked his actions, revealing him to be Captain Hitsugaya.

"Lay back down Miss, you need to rest" Toshiro whispered.


"no buts... we are going to get you some water and something small to eat before you rest for the night"

"p-please don't leave me alone" (y/n) stuttered.

They both gazed upon the helpless goddess with remorse before turning to face each other. Renji nodded to his superior and without a word spoken between the two, he got up from his knees to follow the telepathic order sent from Captain Hitsugaya. "I'll go and get her a drink and some nibbles" Renji announced before leaving the room.

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