Chapter Forty

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Authors Note:

Hey look another chapter! Hope you's enjoy!

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The Seireitei library's floor was almost invisible due to the full collection of books thrown once they were read. In light of (Y/N)'s abrupt meeting with Yamamoto, he began to grow curious about the arrival of the Goddess of creation and destruction. This intense wonder caused the head of the Soul Society to do a little digging into the history of this year's Gods. One thought kept running through Yamamoto's mind and that was that neither the goddess of creation and destruction or the God of war had been entered into the God Games during the previous years, which was not only surprising but slightly puzzling also.

Captain Yamamoto's vigorous and speedy movements in the library had caused all of the books to tremble in they're lined and stacked homes however book after book, journal 1 turns to journal 6... every known history account had been written in this Library but the captain couldn't seem to find any useful information. When his spirits were beginning to lower, an old, damaged book that had been clasping right on the edge of its shelf managed to slip from its place, landing right in front of his feet. "The great war" he mumbles as he read the front.

Upon skimming through the many dusty pages, he was happy to find that lady luck was on his side for presenting him the information that he needed. He read about the great war between Hatchiman and Kanamori shima learning the history of the pair and how the siblings were forced to battle for what they believed in. Despite having this newfound information, he couldn't help but feel that the full story was not being told.

He stared at the opposite side of the blurb, looking intensively.

"That can not be the end, I refuse to believe it..."

His fingers traced the edges of the book, picking at the corners as his mind tried to work out this incredible puzzle. Eventually his eyes darted to a decorative page that was stuck on the back and again he began to pick at the edge and as suspected it was added at a later date from when the book was first created. He slowly peeled it back, being extremely careful to not damage anything that could possibly be underneath.

Inscribed underneath was the remainder of the story...

"Upon dying, Gods will either reincarnate straight away or remain in an never ending feeling of falling until their time comes.

Both gods; due to their crimes against another god, was stuck in the afterlife. Both separated from any sort of contact, the suffer and pain in their afterlife was only just beginning. Whilst the whereabouts and experiences of Goddess Kanamori-Shima were unknown, we can swear that the God Hatchiman crumbled underneath all of the suffering that he was going through.

Decades had passed and the god of war seemed no closer to his reincarnation.

A lifetime of torture caused Hatchiman to grow resentful and hateful after dying from the hands of his own sister. His divine soul slowly dissolving with every year that passed.

Just like all of the other magic in the world, harvesting this much negative energy in one space ultimately caused a reaction.

Hatchiman screamed in agony as a small orb of light left his chest, his arms and legs spread out so far from each other, his fingertips almost touched the surrounding circular walls that surround his fall. The last of his soul was floating in front of his eyes and all he could do was watch as it slowly split like a molecule.

Splitting into a million pieces in less than seconds, it finally started to form. A black figure hovered above him and when Hatchiman's eyes followed up, it revealed a devilish mask with red tribal patterns plastered on it. The slanted eyeholes filled with an luminous yellow glow that started right into the God of wars eyes.

Hatchiman didn't fear this horrible creation that came from his soul and the only thing he could say before it disappeared was "My child... I shall name you Hallow. For I am now a hallow god without a divine soul. I bless you with power, aggression and the power to spread your blessings. Be free my child and bring destruction to the worlds that are unlucky enough to come across you"

Even the separation of Kanamori could not prevent her from feeling the change of balance in the ripples of the universe. "Something is wrong, something new and dangerous has came into existence." Unfortunately, the goddess of creation and destruction could not use any of her powers to track down what was creating these ripples, which caused her soul to stir. Nonetheless, she knew that something must be created to balance out the universe once more but without knowing the cause of the imbalance; she worried that it would be hard to create something to rectify it. The goddess closed her eyes and held both of her hands against her chest. Slowly she mumbled and groaned as her god powers started the divinity process. Despite the pain of the divinity process, which was the separation of part of a God's divine soul, she stayed strong. A small tear of blood began to run down her cheek but slowly floated towards the escaping soul that soared ahead of her.

As soon as her blood met with her soul, a bright light emerged that would blind any normal person or god that looked into it.

The dimming light revealed the silhouette of a weapon, a sword to be exact. It's long, slender blade mimicked the human creation they called The Katana.

The weapon slowly lowered into Kanamori's not outreached, open hands and even though she knew she had lost a part of herself, she could not help but feel she had birthed something truly magnificent. "You're name shall be Zanpakuto and their will be no limits to your powers. When you each find your one true partner, you will all be unstoppable to the evils in the universe. Concerned for your form you should not be, for when you reach your different levels of powers; your shape will change. Fly my children and bless everyone that you feel worthy to fight by your sides"

The ultimate creations, one for evil and one for good... forever in battle until the end of time, just as their creators shall be..."

Something seemed strange about the last words he had just read "Just as their creators shall be."

Shivers ran the full course of Yamamoto's body as the feeling of dread filled him. Using his telepathic powers, he called upon Mayuri Kurotsuchi to join him in the Library. He knew that if anyone would know it would be him... Prophecies of the future, will any of them involve Hatchiman and Kanamori Shima?

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