Chapter Six

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Bewilded and shocked (Y/N) slid the book to the side, she didn't know what to make of everything she had read. Her parents always said that she was a "goddess" and that she needed to realise it but she thought they were just making up stories because they still treat her like a child... Or they were just plain crazy. "N-no way... This is totally ridiculous..." She said out loud. "I refuse to believe this bullshit! Just because it's in this stupid book doesn't make it factual, this is probably's just a made up story for kids!" She exclaimed. (Y/N) quickly jumped up, leaving the book on the floor and began to pace her bedroom back and forth. "This can't be real... This can't be real" she repeated to herself with her head in her hands. "Why do they keep on toying with me! They are supposed to be my parents!" She screamed at she ran to her desk and slammed her hands onto the table. In rage she flattened her arms and dragged it across, flinging everything to the floor. (Y/N) screamed as she slowly slid to the floor, tears slowly falling from her face. Just when (Y/N) thought silence had fallen to her room, she head footsteps running up the stairs and to her room. Her white gloss door flung open to reveal her parents running into the room, as much as she hated them right now, she couldn't help but reach out to them as they ran to her with open arms. The mother , father and daughter were all sitting on the floor, hugging one and other as (Y/N) let all of her bottled up tears out. "(Y/N) we know you don't like this and you probably's don't believe it... But it's true. It's all true" her father softly said.
"It will take some time for you to adjust, but we know you will love it... It is a big responsibility but we know your qualified for the task my darling" her mother added.
"Qualified?" (Y/N) asked with a sense on anger to her tone.
"How can anyone be qualified for this, if what you say is true... And I am a goddess... Then how do I qualify for this!"
"Please darling, we know you didn't want this but it is not something you can choose." Her father explained
"Your mother might be able to enlighten the situation a bit better... Please come downstairs to the living room. We can make some tea and talk this over" he added as he stood up and held out for (Y/N). (Y/N) looked to her mother who was still sitting next to her, he mother nodded to her in agreement to what her father had suggested.

* * * * * *

The living room was cosy, the sofa had a comfortable amount of pillows that would engulf the people that sat into them. The lights were dim and the fire was blazing which created extra light for the dark room. (Fathers/name) pulled two arm chairs In Front of the smouldering fire, which was placed directly in front of the sofa. (Y/N) took a seat on the sofa whilst her parents took the armchairs. "This isn't just a one of thing (Y/N) this is in our blood. It always has been and always will be... Your grandmother..." Her mother's eye started to bubble as speaking about her deceased mother was painful. "Your grandmother was like you... She was a goddess, b-b-but when she passed... The goddess had to reincarnate, I don't know how it works as there is no information on this... But I thought I would be next... I would never have thought it would skip a generation to you (y/n) if I could take it from you I would..."
"So how did I get it, was I born with it... I couldn't of been because nana died when I was four..." (Y/N) asked with confusion.
"When you were little... We took you to the park... You were four and a half so you were an energetic little thing" her dad chuckled. "All it took was one minute... We took our eyes of you for one minute and you vanished. We searched and searched until we saw that you had climbed up a Boulder that was nearby the park. We ran and ran and the closer we got to you, the closer you got to the edge. You were chasing after a butterfly that was hovering above you head until it flew away. You tried to reach out but you slipped and fell... We didn't get there in time..." You dad began to cry in disappointment like it was all his fault. Unable to finish the story (mothers/name) continued "you were hurt really badly, you were in a coma as you hit your head... We thought you were going to die... But after a month, one day at the hospital we noticed a mark in the shape of a butterfly on your chest and when your father put his finger on it, it glowed a bright blue, which blinded us both. When the light disappeared you slowly opened your eyes... At the time we thought it was just a miracle, well... It was a Miracle, but we also later discovered that the goddess that was in your grandmother, had reincarnated into your body when you were in a coma."
(Y/n) didn't have a word to think or say... She just sat there with a shocked face. She didn't know how to process or act upon what she had been told and even though what they said was most likely true, there was still something holding her back from truly believing in it herself. "Sorry... But can I go to bed... I'm really tired and Im a little taken back... Can we speak about it tomorrow"
Understanding of her shock they both replied "of course baby, goodnight."
(Y/N) exited the room, headed up the stairs to her room. She slowly and quietly closed her door and dragged herself to her bed to which she flung herself on to. She lay face up staring at the ceiling, contemplating everything that she had been told. With everything going through her mind she thought she would never fall asleep that night... But to her dismay she slowly slipped into a coma-like sleep.

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