Chapter Fifteen.

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Have you ever noticed that time seems to act the opposite to which you want it to. When you want something to last longer, time seems to always speed up. But when you want the moment to speed up, time seems to slow down rapidly. (Y/N) seemed to notice this as the day of the God games arrived and the hours seemed to pass like minutes. In an attempt to make the day last longer, she ensured that she spent it doing the things she loved most. She started the day by enjoying a lovely breakfast with her parents but the tension could of been cut with a knife as her parents didn't know what to say to her. Knowing how they must of felt she puckered up the courage to say "No matter what mom, dad... I will make you's proud." Both looking up to (Y/N) they smiled and reached their hands to there daughters. A walk in the park followed breakfast so she could smell the fresh air and feel the wind on her face, she couldn't help but investigate the families that she past. Kid's running after their pets as the parents ran after their kids, (Y/N) couldn't help but giggle at the thought of her childhood and how she loved every moment of it. She stumbled along the park, leading back to the streets and eventually back to her house. She was hesitant to enter her home but she knew that there was no way of avoiding any of this, clasping the door handle she walked back in and greeted her parents. The rest of her day was spent packing for the next couple of weeks, stress eating and getting cuddles from her parents. 

* * * * * (Y/N)'s P.O.V * * * * * 

"(Y/N)! Get your stuff ready hun because they'll be here to pick you up anytime soon!" My mother shouted from downstairs. I grabbed my bags and dragged them down the stairs, only to be greeted by my parents at the bottom. Before I could say anything to my beloved parents, we were alerted that the escorts were here to take me to the God games, I stared deeply into my parents eye hoping they would understand that my glare was filled with love and compassion for them. My father opened the door and the suited men grabbed my bags and continued their job without even a word, until one of them turned towards me, lowered his sunglasses and said "If you would like to get in the car Miss (Y/N), we are on quite a tight schedule." Respecting their 'precious' time, I nodded and quickly jumped into my parents arms. Both of them started to bubble but before they could say anything I said "I'm not going to say goodbye, because this isn't a goodbye... So all I'll say is see you later" I turned and walked slowly to the private car, taking as much time as I could in order to take as much as my surrounding's in as possible.

The ride was uncomfortable and nerve wrecking, the only thing to occupy my time was attempting to look at the passing views from the extra blacked out windows. But the quickness of the car mixed with the dimness of the windows made it nearly impossible to see anything from the car. Boredom struck me to think about what Ichigo could be doing right now, I silently grabbed my phone and started to text my orange haired boy. "Hey, my little strawberry... The day is finally upon me... I can't tell you what it is, so don't bother asking (I know how much of a curious moron you can be) I will contact you as soon as everything if over, see ya' Ichigo." I started to feel my teeth grinding together in the thought of what I could of shared with Ichigo if non of this had ever happened. Next thing I knew I drifted into a soft silent sleep. 

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