Chapter Forty-Two

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*** Authors note - Another little chapter on the same day! Absolutely spoiling you readers (Just making up for the year I didn't update :3 ) Enjoy all and let me know what you think through the votes and comments!! ***

(y/n) sat at the edge of her bed, staring into space and going over and over the final god games that she was about to enter. Hatchiman had struck fear into her and she always dreaded when this day would come.

And here it was.

She knew it was going to be the fight of a life time but a huge eerie feeling rushed over her body every time she thought of it. (y/n) jumped when a loud knock interrupted her spiralling in the possible outcomes of the fight.

"Lady Kanamori... I hope you are up and ready. The god game is nearing." Captain Hitsugaya's voice crept through the edges of the door. The silence caused Kenpatchi to bang harder on the door, thinking that the Goddess had either slept in or escaped in order to run from the fight.

"LADY KANAMORI, DID YOU GET THE CEREMONIAL GOWN FOR THE FINAL FIGHT THAT I LAID ON YOUR BED!" Kenpatchi screamed whilst repeatedly pounding on the door. Toshiro looked at him slightly, rolled his icicle coloured eyes and muttered.

"Kenpatchi, can you please refrain yourself from making an absolute MOCKERY of us, she's in there. We trained her well so she wouldn't run from a fight."  Kenny looked upon his smaller partner in awe like he just read his mind.

(y/n) stretches open the door as both Captain's mouths are open; ready to shoot bullet like insults are one another. "yeah yeah, I'm ready... no need to argue" she smiles at her mentors and waves her hands.  

The polar-opposite couple watches (y/n) walk straight past them so calmly, causing them to tilt their head in confusion. "Hey (y/n), are you not worried at all about today or " before Kenny could finish his sentence she sharply replied

"look, I appreciate your concern but I really want to just get it over with and not speak about it."

(y/n) averts her gaze back to the tips of her feet, which can only be seen ever so often when the long kimono gown raised as she walked. Trying to distract herself from the chaos that awaited her, she shifted her attention to her surroundings. Her Seaweed green kimono contrasted the pink waterlilies, which were hand painted across the material. On top of the beautiful scenery sat a peacock, who's colour flowed from a perfect snow white to a bright and soothing rose pink.

It seemed like each and every colour leaked onto the world around her as she walked through the gardens and alleys to get to the God Games match. The rustling trees would shed a leaf ever so often, letting it slowly dance with the fresh morning breeze. (y/n) could hear a neighbouring lake, which from memory she knew was so clear that she could see every fish and rock that called the lake home.

With every step (y/n) took, her mentors were always a few steps behind her. They kept silent upon her respect but she knew they were cheering for her and supporting her in their heads. The expressionless but nervous (y/n) knew they grew closer to the arena when the chants from the crowds roars heightened and the more intense the noise got the more frightened and lightheaded she got.

Not realising she zoned out for the rest of the walk, she felt two very different hands on each of her shoulders. (y/n) slowly looked upon the hands, which were ones of Kenpatchi and Toshiro grasping her to prevent her from walking straight into the metal lined door. She let out a sigh of relief and a small and short laugh. "where would I be without you both" she said.

Both of the strong and collected mentors were caught off guard when (y/n) quickly turned to face them, revealing a tear flowing down her cheek.

"You would be exactly where you are, doing what your doing and winning this Game." whispered Captain Hitsugaya.

"You are an extraordinary girl, Young Goddess... and don't you think otherwise." Captain Zaraki followed.

Both compliments caused her to smirk, although the tears would not stop falling. Kenny; now being the softer, more affectionate type of mentor grabbed her into his huge arms before saying "get it all out now young miss... don't ever let them see you cry."

(y/n) welcomed the embrace and grabbed onto his forearms. Toshiro looked in awe with this unbelievable version of Kenpatchi.

"Who would of known you could have a soft spot for a small human girl?" he joked as he smirked. Seeing Kenpatchi unfazed by his truthful but intentionally snarky comment, Toshiro decided to join into the group hug. As he edged his face closer to (y/n), he whispered "just know, we will be in the stalls watching... we promise to always protect you" as she opened her blurry eyes to face him.  

Once Kenny saw the last tear hit his kimono, he released (y/n) from his arms and wiped her face with his black sleeve; "see, just as ugly as ever" he joked before showing (y/n) an ear-to-ear grin.

"all emotions aside, we need to go in and start the next chapter of your life (y/n)" Toshiro said respectfully as he pushed open the door.

(y/n) gently nodded before taking Kenpatchi's sleeve and begun to walk.

The tunnel was fairly dark and dreary, which accentuated the light beaming from the arena. The crowd screamed with joy as (y/n) stepped into the light, however the sudden change of light caused her to black out sightly.

Although she was still functioning, still moving; she was looking at herself walk across the dust-riddled arena.

"This should be freaking me out... but for some reason I feel totally serene" (y/n) spoke to herself, watching the Game referee explain the game to her functioning body.

As she tried to read the referee's lips so she knew the rules, she felt someones fingers wrap between hers.

She slowly turned to reveal the Goddess Kanamori in all of her glory, standing with a welcoming smile beaming at her.

"You've got this... this nervous feeling is right but I am going to ask something of you when the time comes and it is completely up to you on whether you agree with it but just know that I will do everything in my strength to protect you."

"Thanks Goddess Kanamori" (y/n) replied with a heartfelt look and smile.

"Please (y/n), call me Kanamori... we're practically one person, we might as well call each other by our names" The deity joked.

(y/n) was about to reply before Kanamori shoved her slightly pushing her towards her standing body, pushing her astral projection back into herself.

(y/n)'s vision went dark and suddenly light again, her eyes corrected and she was back in the arena, referee looking at her for some sign of agreeance. Automatically, despite she heard non of the information they had said; (y/n) nodded and smiled.  

The now, slightly more confident Goddess threw her shoulders back and cracked her knuckles one by one. Slowly turning whilst in the process; Hatchiman came into view on the last crack. He was stood across the arena glaring like a tiger to its prey, hungry in anticipation for the game. As if the crack had sucked all the noise from the room, everything fell silent as (y/n) stared deep into the eyes of her dreaded rival; recalling the terrifying encounter that they once shared.

His words echoed through her ears as if he was standing right along side her "...Crush your ass first and then send your boyfriend down with you."

Without showing too much panic in her eyes and face, (y/n) quickly scanned the arena for her carrot top boy to discover his lack of presence. The air escaped her lungs as she turned back to the God of war as he smirked at her failed attempt to spot Ichigo.

Panic and fear was about to set within (y/n), before a ringing gong radiated throughout the arena.

The Game had begun... 

***** P.S Authors note - Soooo yeah, we're coming up to the dreaded fight you have all been waiting for and I'm going to be super annoying and leave it there on a cliff hanger for today, keep an eye out for the next chapter! Let me know how you feel, if you liked it, even what you's think is going to happen next!!    PEACE OUT MY LITTLE MUNCHKINS! *****

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