Chapter two

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The group had welcomed the newby with open arms and quickly became close to her, seeing eachother at school lead to studying outside of school and hanging out with eachother in their spare time. (Y/n) couldn't help but feel blessed to have such great friends.

It was getting quite dark and cold but since Everyone had been hanging at the arcade all day, no one seemed to notice until uryu checked his phone. In shock to how much time had passed he said "Jeez it's 9:10, I best get going. I haven't even done the assignment that was set, see ya' guys". Everyone waved and agreed to do the same. Ichigo and (y/n) were left outside the flashing lights of the arcade, the tension between the pair Could of been cut with a knife. The only noise that was being made was coming from the beaming arcade stands from inside... Ichigo threw his hand behind he head and looked the opposite direction to (y/n) and said "soo... I guess I'll be the one to walk you home then huh (y/n)." In disbelief she shook her hands and explained "you don't have to I'll be fine on my own" and started to turn to the direction that she was walking but before she could say her farewells ichigo grabbed her arm and accompanied her on her journey. "Don't be stupid, God knows what lurking around at this time" he said with a worryingly straight but anxious face. (Y/n) was confused, it wasn't even that late but she didn't argue or fret, she just went with the flow.

Half an hour had passed before they both eventually arrived outside (y/n)'s house. "This is the end, my stop... Thanks so much for walking me home ichigo". Just as she was about to give him a hug, ichigo reached into his pocket to numerous buzzing noises... "Crap, my dads been trying to call me, he's probably's worried. It's going to take me atleast 45minutes to get home" he explained. Feeling quite guilty for not sending him on his own path, she looked at him and said softly "don't worry about it, I'll have one of our drivers to take you home... You'll atleast make it home by 10." Ichigo looked up in shock and laughed as he though (y/n) was joking. To his dismay he slowly looked at the house that he was stood in front of which had its own gated driveway. He rushed to the gates and grabbed the bars to get a closer look. Ichigo's mouth dropped when he saw that she practically lived in a mansion. "This is your house?! What the hell? I never took you for the rich, posh totty type!" Quickly realising his comment could be took as an insult he burst out "not that there's anything wrong with posh totty's!" (Y/n) immediately burst into tears of laughter when she saw his urge to correct his mistake. "We're not posh... My parents just have great jobs that's all.." (Y/n) mumbled whilst twirling her fingers and thumbs. Ichigo knew she was hiding something from him but detained himself from asking, rubbing his hand behind his orange haired head again he broke the silence "so you have, like drivers and everything... You must be loaded then"
"Yeah, we have move that average" (y/n) softly replied as she looked back up to the boy that stood beside her. "I guess I'll ring my driver up to take you home, have a nice night ichigo... I'll see you on Monday" she giggled as she pulled out her phone and began to walk towards the gate. Ichigo smirked and said "yeah... I'll see you on Monday (y/n)." Before he knew it the gates slowly creaked open and (y/n) was waving him goodbye walking up her driveway. "Just tell my driver where you live ichi and he'll take you straight home!" She exclaimed as she started to run up to her house. As (y/n) appeared smaller from running further away, a black car seemed to be growing in size as it drove down to pick him up.
"This must be my ride" ichigo thought to himself as the car pulled up beside him nearly crushing his feet. "Hey! What the hell! My feet almost got crush underneath your tin can of a car"
"My apologise sir, if you don't mind, miss (l/n) has instructed me to get you home before 10:00" the driver explained as he opened the cars back door and bowed to him. Confused and bewilded, ichigo got in the car without any fuss.

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