Chapter Thirty-Six

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The two Hatchiman's continue to converse when (Y/N) realises that their conversation is turning sour. As if the God of destruction was never in their presence, the two begin to bicker when the vessel refuse's his master "No... I don't want too. Please... don't make me do it," he begged the god but before he could appeal any more, his face turns from confident to panicked.

The shadow clutched his shoulder but as soon as it made contact with Hatchiman's skin, it began to be absorbed into his body, slowly seeping into him.

As more and more of the figure disappeared, the more Hatchiman began to shudder and tremble. The iris of his eyes vanished to the back of his head, followed by his head violently jerking back. As if gravity had increased on top of him, his legs collapsed bringing him to his knees. His arms flopped to the side of his body, knuckles grazing the floor beneath him.

The silence in the air was shortly broken when Hatchiman's mouth slowly gaped open releasing a dragging, low croak, which echoed in (Y/N)'s ears. A couple of seconds into the croak and (Y/N) began to notice that it haunting noise was slowly merging into a devious chuckle as if it were coming from the devil himself. As if the atmosphere couldn't get any more petrifying for (Y/N), Hatchiman's gaze shifted as his head regained strength and slowly lifted to face her. The god tilts his head slightly before he opens his mouth to speak, "I know you are in there..." he says, dragging out each word.

Dazed and confused, (Y/N) glares at her opponent straight in his clouded eyes. Despite the surging power still numbing her senses, she manages to rise to her feet and slowly back away from the young man that was sending so many chilling feelings down her spine.

Within a blink of (Y/N)'s eyes Hatchiman; out of his struggled state, managed to grab her shoulder preventing her moving any further away from him. (Y/N)'s body stiffened at she could feel the ancient god's power shock her like the static when his fingertips grazed her skin.

"Kanamori.... You didn't think you could hide from me forever did you?"

Both powers fought against each other as if they were part of a medieval jousting competition, triggering a reaction in (Y/N)'s senses. She was no longer frozen in fear like a deer to headlights but instead managed to slap away his heavy hand away from her shoulder and move her legs. Although she ached and pain surged through her feet, the god could think of anything but to get further away from the monster that exposed him self.

Running a long distance along side the river that once gleamed a icy blue, she couldn't help but notice that the colourful koi that once accentuated and complimented the river, were no longer there, as if they had sensed the upcoming conflict earlier.

(Y/N)'s hair floated round following the movement of her head as she turned to look back at Hatchiman to see him smiling ear to ear, laughing vigorously at fearful (Y/N) running for her life.

Rotating back to face her destination, (Y/N)'s breathing started to sound heavy and uneasy as she began to slow in pace. Practically stumbling, she couldn't help but notice that her vision, again, was starting to become fuzzy.

However fuzziness converted to darkness and darkness turned to numbness.

No feeling and no sight, the god of destruction and creation fell to the ground, blacking out completely.

**** AUTHORS NOTE ****

I know its a short but I'm building up to a big juicy chapter so hang in there!!!

I hope you's enjoy the chapter!!

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