Chapter Eighteen

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Kenpatchi and I had finally arrived to our destination. The double door that lead into the party was made out of a dark oak and was adorned with one single dragon on each door, if the door's couldn't get fancier the grand dragons and the fire that was exiting their mouths were made out of solid gold. Staring at the door, I gulped as I started to fear what was behind it. Kenny reassured me that everything was going to be fine, not by saying anything and not even through eye contact... All he did was put his free arm on my arm that was intertwined with his and gave it a comforting but firm squeeze. Even though I knew he hadn't moved his eyes from the door, I gazed upon the side of his chiselled face and thought "How could such an aggressive looking man, put me at ease so easily." Still gazing at the Kenpatchi, I nodded in agreement to go in. breaking from my grasp, Kenny put both of his large hands on the dragon covered door's and pushed. 

Looking inside of the grand room, the first thing that came to sight was the beautiful, large, flower engraved Chabudai that was in the centre of the room. The light were slightly dimmed around the room, causing the spotlight that hung above the table look even brighter. The other God's that I had met were gathered at the table, two on one side and one on the other. I stumbled in after Kenpatchi until he held out his arm to point to the empty space next to the one god of the closest side of the table before taking his place standing by the room's wall. With no hesitation at all, I claimed the space as my own. Trying not to make any eye contact with the god's that were sitting across from me, I pointed my vision of sight to the table decoration. There were beautiful sakura flowers scattered from the top to the bottom of the table, followed by the range of fruits that were carved into beautiful sculptures and the other foods that blessed the table. Glancing down to the bottom of the Chabudai, my eyes popped from the sockets at the sight of all of the sake bottles that were in line... after all, I was still underage... but Im a god so what the heck.

An elderly man walked to the top of the table, instantly gaining the attention from all of the God's at the table. He stood with his Shihakushō touching the tanned tatami, slowly looking at each god with consideration. His long white eyebrows matched his extremely long beard, which made him look even more wise. Even though his gaze was soft, I couldn't shake the feeling that the old man could probably kill somebody just by looking at them.

The room had a silent aura lingering above it, which gave me the smallest amount of time to think about the fact that there was less Gods, meaning there was going to be less battles... concluding that it was more likely that I was going to be in the first one to one fight. The thoughts were scratching away at my mind, causing a slight migraine but my attention was averted when the old man spoke "My name is Genryuusai Yamamoto, Captain of the 1st division in the Soul Society and I would just like to thank all of the Gods for attending the God games" before gracefully bowing, however I was surprised to find that ten other people followed his actions, only revealing their heads as they appeared from the darkness and into the spotlights above the table. I gazed around noticing that I wasn't the only one that was surprised at the hospitality from the soul society, the other gods also looked around in confusion as they probably's had never been treated with this much honour and privilege. After the pondering of honour, in the spare of the moment I started to count and question the people surrounding me as they bowed. 

Wonder and suspicion filled my brain as I scanned all of Shihakushō dressed men and women although to my surprise Captain Yamamoto must of noticed my wariness and softly said "Ohh I see that one of the God's is cautious about who surrounds her. The people surrounding you are also squad captains and They are nothing but allies my dear Lady?..." Obviously asking for my name, Even though his words slid from his mouth like butter on warm toast, the nerves overcame my body from being singled out, I tried and I tried to form words but I struggled immensely to introduce myself to the grand captain. Just before I was either about to run from the room with embarrassment or cry from all of the pressure, I heard the ringing of a soft voice getting louder and louder every millisecond. The person I was hearing was Kanomori, the great and powerful God of creation and destruction, she whispered in my mind "Be calm (F/N) You are a God and you deserve to be her. I know you can be the confident girl that I know you are." Taking Lady Kanamori's advise, I replied after a couple of seconds from the prep talk with Kanamori and said "Lady (Y/N) (L/N), embodiment of Kanamori Shina... Goddess of creation and destruction." I raised my head and held it high in order to seem confident and to try to fool them into believing that I actually belong and deserve to be in their presence. 

"Lady (Y/N), You hold within you a truly powerful God. From watching the god games from when they first began, I have come to realise that her powers are not as easy to tame as some people may think." He said, raising one of his long eyebrows. A hidden panic overthrew me... "Does he know that I don't have any powers?" I questioned myself in my mind but keeping a confident poker face whilst respectfully nodding to Captain Yamamoto. Without even noticing due to my overbearing thoughts, the other God's looked at me with disgust, jealousy and envy had overcome them as they sensed the 1st division Captian had officially selected his favourite God. However the topic was swiftly changed as Yamamoto spoke about a briefing of the Games as he handed out a scroll for each God. I unraveled the blood coloured lace that was wrapped around the yellowish coloured scroll and opened it up. It read...

"During your stay at the Soul Society, whilst the God Games are being held we will assign you with two squad captains to tend to your every need and to help you in training before your battles. Below you will find the names of your squad captain's for the seventh God games.

Toushirou Hitsugaya

Kenpachi Zaraki

The first battle will commend on the fifth day following this meeting when the clock strikes twelve. Our first battle will be between: 

The Goddess of Creation and Destruction

The Good Fortune God of War

The Soul Society wishes you the best of luck in the God Games"

Noticing my name on this scroll made my heart fall out of my butt... it was just my luck to be in the first battle and to not even receive my powers yet, however I felt the slight feeling of relief when I re-read the scroll to confirm that the squad captains that would be assisting me were the ones that I had already meet... Toshiro and Kenpatchi . When the feeling of tears took over my eyes, Captain Yamamoto interrupted and said "Now thats all of the formal business out of the way, you's are all free to enjoy the rest of your evening... And to all of the Gods, It has been a pleasure meeting you's" However when Yamamoto said this, he looked directly into my eyes and gave me a loving grin. Before I could return the smile, he turned and glided to the door. Upon his exit, all of the other captains that had been hiding within the shadows of the room started to approach The other Gods and I at the tables, obviously in order to properly introduce themselves. 

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