Chapter Eight - Ichigo's P.O.V

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"Get the hell off me old man" I shouted at my father as I punched him across the room

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"Get the hell off me old man" I shouted at my father as I punched him across the room. "But we want to see your giirlllfriends house too ichigo!" He whined. "She's not my girlfriend dad! She's just a friend!"

"But you want her to be your girlfriend though, don't you Ichi" Yuzu taunted.

"Who would want to date that" Karin added harshly with laughter.

Not being able to take any more of my families bullshit, I exclaimed "Shut up will you's! Im going to school!" as I grabbed my bad from the table and stormed out. The way my dad, Yuzu and Karin spoke about (Y/N) being my girlfriend made my cheeks blush a bit but I knew I was just being stupid. "I don't have feelings for her in that way" I thought to my self as I shook the pinkness away. Walking out the door I was surprised to find that Orihime was standing outside of my house waiting on my arrival. "Morning Ichigo" she squealed, waving her hand vigorously. "Hey Orihime" 

"I thought I could walk to school with you if thats okay?

"Yeah of course, thats cool"

The topic of conversation always changed with Orihime, it's like she can't talk about one thing for more than five seconds. Zoning in and out of what she was saying, she quickly grabbed my attention when she asked "Ichigo, have you heard from (Y/N) over the weekend? We were supposed to meet up for a girls day out but she didn't reply to any one my phone calls or text messages... which is kind of odd, don't ya' think?"

"No... come to think of it, i haven't. Anyway, why would I be texting her!" I exclaimed as flashbacks of my family calling (Y/N) my girlfriend came flooding back to mind. Slightly blushed, she let out a giggle and replied "well you's are the closest out of all of us, you's have some sort of weird connection." Pushing my flashbacks aside, I wondered... what could possibly be up with (Y/N). "She was probably's busy, don't take it to heart" I bursted out. "I guess your right Ichigo" she whispered disheartenedly.

I couldn't help but feel worried for (Y/N) though. I tried to hide my worry from Orihime so she wouldn't think that (Y/N) was avoiding her or something. But Orihime had a point, it was strange that (Y/N) didn't reply, she is usually always eager to get out of the house. We continued to walk to the school in the blissful summer sun, I wish I could also call it peaceful however Orihime soon changed the subject and started blabbering on about stuff that I knew nothing about. 

When we arrived (Y/N) was already sat at her desk but something something wasn't right. She was staring intensely at her desk, with both of her hands flat upon it. Orihime walked straight to her chair not even noticing but unable to avoid the matter even if I wanted to, I paced over. Grabbing her shoulder when I arrived I softly asked "Hey are you okay?" Snapping from whatever was on her mind, she replied with "oh... ichigo... Yes, Im fine." The way she spoke was so lifeless, like she had seen a ghost. "Are you sure (Y/N)? Because from what I can see and hear, there is definitely something stressing you out." Breaking from her stare once again she whispered "Just drop it Ichigo, I don't want to speak about it." Quite surprised to her reply, I sat on my seat and gazed out of the window like I usually do in first period. I plondered and plondered about (Y/N), She is usually so open but there is definitely something blocking her from speaking about it. The day was as slow as a glacier. Not being able to talk to (Y/N) made my day harsh and unbearable but I did not want to intrude on her and her thoughts.

* * * * * * Time Skip to the end of the school day * * * * * * 

The school bell rang violently as everyone jumped out of their seats and practically ran out of school, (Y/N) being one of them. Unable to grab all of my stuff, I left everything on top of my desk, grabbed my bag and attempted to run after her. Unfortunately, as soon as I stepped out of my classroom a wave of people blocked my path, "Get out of my way! Jeez stop pushing me, just let me get to my friend god damn it" I exclaimed as the sea of students shoved me around. I could see (Y/N)'s head bobbing in the far crown but as much as I tried to push my way through, I didn't seem to get any closer to her. When I finally exited the school I saw a black car with black out windows pull up to the gate, which I then realised was there to pick up (Y/N) to take her home. I was proven right when I saw (Y/N) walk up to the car, open the car's back door and get in. "(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" I shouted at the top of my voice but the only response I received was the turn of her head, her deep glance and a small smile. I continued to run after the car until they pulled round to the corner and out of my sight. "I really need to know what's up with that girl... its driving me crazy!" I shouted to myself, whilst the people around me smirked and glared as they probably's thought I was a mad man shouting to myself in the middle of the street. Out of breath and pretty frustrated, I stood on the pathway trying to figure out my plan of action to finding out how to get (Y/N) to open up to me, Do I march to her house and confront her? or do I wait until tomorrow as school and pull her to the side at lunch time? When suddenly "Rarrrghhh!!!" 

"OH MY FRIGGING GOD!" I quickly turned my head to see Orihime, Chad and Urya stood behind me, Orihime giggling away as the other two stood and sniggered. "You almost give me a bloody heart attack Orihime! Are you trying to kill me?" I gasped. 

"We were all just wondering what you were doing? I mean your standing outside all alone? are you okay Ichi?" she softly spoke.

"Yeah I'm fine, but somethings up with (Y/N). She didn't speak a word to me today and when I asked about it she blew it over her head... we need to find out whats wrong"

All of the gang nodded in agreement, which was surprising as I normally had to at least do some convincing. "Well great, I think we should go to her house now to ask her." 

"But Ichigo... doesn't she have a gated drive? If she doesn't want to speak to us then she'll just not open the gate..." Uryu added.  

"Well we'll climb over the wall then Urya"

"And get arrested for trespassing? I don't think so Ichigo, I know your probably's not going to get far in life but I don't intend on going down the delinquent path with you" 

"What was that four eyes?!" I screamed, popping a vein out of my head as I slammed my head against his.

"Guy's lets all calm down, why don't we go back to my place and we'll call (Y/N) to see if we can speak to her and then we'll figure out the rest when it comes to it" Orihime suggested as she pulled mine and Uryu's head apart. Supporting Orihimes proposal, We all began to walk side by side to her house. 

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