Chapter34: The Vision Part 1

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Week 3 without Zack and Kevin

The effect of Zack's death slowed everything down. Prom was moved back until the middle of June. 2 and a half months away from when it was supposed to be.

As for our lunch table, it was just me and Katie. Jacob hasn't talked to either of us since that day at the hospital. Katie however, has been the classic definition of a teenaged girl. In other words, she was as bipolar as ever.

Katie had been sobbing into her lunch box for days now. Sometimes she even left me alone to go and cry in the bathroom. It tears me to know that for the most part, my friends are gone.

Kevin's P.O.V.

I've been in this light for what seems to be forever. I just want to wake up when all this drama is over. I want to touch Sam, kiss her, and hear her say she loves me. Too bad none of this will happen.

My body jerked with a shooting pain in my head. Before I knew it, I woke up in a tan room with a king size bed and a dresser to its side. I saw my glasses on my mini night table, and my closet across from me. I don't recognize being here, or this room even though I know what stuff is mine.

I patted my face and blinked my eyes a few times. When I sat up, I saw a little boy about 3 feet tall peering up at me over the corner of my bed. What?

"Dad! Dad! Dad! What are youuu doinggg?" The boy slurred, jumping before saying every word. Apparently, when your 3 feet tall you can jump onto a bed that's at least 4 feet tall. Wait, dad?

Reaching for my glasses, I squinted at the boy. I put my glasses on and saw the boy with big brown eyes and dark brown hair cut like mine. Eventually I replied, "Just waking up little guy,"

"Daaaddy it's Ryaann!" Ryan replied jumping on top of me. He giggled as he bounced on every rib I had. Sooner, I said half laughing, "Ryan, your crushing me!"

Popping through the door was another 3 foot boy with brown eyes and a lighter brown than Ryan. He walked in with his arms entwined in front of his stomach, and looking up sadly at me. Shaking he mumbled to Ryan, "Ryyyan why arre youu hogging Daaddy?"

My heart melted, it was sad to see such a little guy act so sad and cute at the same time. Wow, I just said cute. I pulled the other little boy up onto the bed and pulled him and Ryan into a hug. Ryan squealed, "Daaddy! Don't break me and Michael!"

Side by side, the 2 boys looked identical. They looked like me except Michael had a pair of familiar eyes. I couldn't put my finger on who's they were.

Michael put his chin on my collarbone and asked, "Daaddy, can we have bweakfast? I'm hungyy." I nodded and replied, "Sure thing, lead the way."

Both boys wearing matching Spider-Man pajamas jumped off the bed and out the room. This was definitely a house since it was fairly big and not super small. Most of the house was carpeted in tan carpet while the kitchen had beige tile just like the bathroom. The kitchen had a mini table for 2 and 2 high chairs for which were probably for the boys.

Striding towards the fridge, I opened it and took out a box of waffles instantly knowing where everything was. After, I popped the waffles into the toaster for 3 and a half minutes.

"Okay, up you go," I said pulling Ryan into one high chair then Michael. "So how old are you guys?"

Michael held out his hands counting up, while Ryan replied, "Fowarr," holding up 5 fingers. I'm going with four for now.

The 2 waffles popped up and I placed them each on a paper plate. I ripped each waffle apart so the boys could just eat them like finger food.

Ryan and Michael chorused, "Thank yoww Daaddy!" clapping their hands on their cheeks and heads. More stuff to teach them.

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