Chapter30: Just Go With It

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Continued Sam's P.O.V.

I slumped my back further in my bed with a boat-load of anxiety. Maddie's... you know. And more importantly, Zack cheated on Katie. You would probably think that I would care about a baby living in someone's stomach more than someone cheating on someone else. Maybe I would care more if it wasn't growing inside of such a nasty person.

Inside my room, it was silent and calm until my sister had to come in and destroy it. Kayla just barged in and scoffed, "Umm, can I have this shirt. Kay, thanks," without me even giving her an answer. Yes, she left right after she took my purple sweater, and I was too lazy to go and fight her for it. This happens way too often. I'm not her own personal department store!

Finally, when it was quiet I decided to fall back further in my bed, and curl under the covers in my big grey T-Shirt and baggy sweats. I tossed and turned, from side to side, edge to edge of the bed. My mind felt like I had the world's worst brainfreeze that I couldn't get rid of. My stomach was bloated, and my palms were sweaty. When it was was midnight, I fell asleep but it wasn't long before it was 11:30 in the morning.


I rolled out of my bed with my massive beehive and smeared eyeliner under my eyes. When I got up, I went to the kitchen in my comfy, sweaty clothing to eat some breakfast. Already at the table was Gabby with her face in her rice crispies bowl. Like the big sister I am, I gently placed her hands underneath her bowl so when she does wake up the bowl will go flying at her face. Revenge for some reason that I don't remember. Funny.

For my breakfast, I just had a plain waffle with syrup and a Special K Bar. Wasn't the best breakfast, but I'm just hungry. After breakfast, I went to the basement with my laptop just to see if anyone was on Skype or Facebook. As soon as I logged in, all my friends popped up as online. Before updating my status on Skype, I was invited to a group chat by the weirdo friends of mine. Of course, I fixed my hair on my back so they couldn't see my naughty hair, and I licked away my eyeliner smudges off as I accepted the group chat request. Now visible, was Katie, Kevin, and Jacob all on separate screens.

"Hey guys, how's everybody?"I said dumbly, clearing understanding that everyone was in a bad place. Besides Kevin I guess, unless he's hiding something.

"I'm pretty much good. Working hard at football lately," Kevin replied with some fake nerd glasses on and a cocky look on his face. Looking over at Jacob and Katie's screens their eyes were both puffy and had very blank faces on.

After Kevin's last statement, we all just kind of stared at each other for several moments before hearing Jacob's bold sentence. We are all taken back with horror and fright at how Jacob could say something so uncomfortable. Jacob mumbled, "I have a date tonight that I can't miss with a girl."

Katie went on and said what we were all thinking, "You must be joking. You have a pregnant 'person' in your life, and you actually think that you can date someone right now?"

"This girl is different, I swear, I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't have a reason," Jacob snapped at Katie, making tears well up in her eyes. He rubbed his face down and ran his fingers through his hair a few times and whispered, "Sorry that I have to screw everything up." Jacob then left the chat and Katie sighed loudly into her microphone.

"Looks like you guys need to talk. I see you later babe," Kevin said quickly, ending the chance off me trying to say goodbye. What's with people cutting me off today? Katie rubbed her face, and scratched the back of her neck anxiously.

She then muttered quietly, "Believe it or not, I'm not that sad anymore. I just want to kill him, and knock him out silly. Also, I bought my prom dress this morning," with a murderous tone. This is always the fun part of being hurt. I totally ignored the prom dress part

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