Chapter25: Naughty or Nice?

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Samantha's P.O.V.

I had a sense of greatness knowing I was equal with Maddie. It made me feel like I was doing what my grandma wanted. To be strong.

When lunch was over, I exited the cafeteria and went outside into the parking lot. After reaching the parking lot, I ran home and did my Algebra II homework within 20 minutes, and went in my room. We didn't really have supper tonight because it was to busy of a night to have it. Kayla was afterschool, doing god knows what. Also, Gabby is at Dance. My Dad still had to work for another 3 hours so it was just me and my Mom. Really, me by myself with my Mom ironing.

On my bed, I callasped and searched through my phone for any messages from my friends. Of course, there was the message I was waiting for since lunch:

Can we skype? ~ From Kevin Moore.

Sadly, I managed to grab my laptop from under my bed and turn it on. When it was all powered up, my skype bubble popped up and said 'Kevin Moore is online at this time'. Less than a second later, Kevin sent a request to video message me. Hesitantly, I answered it putting on an uncomfortable smile.

"Hey," I said over the laptop microphone brushing my hair to the side. "You wanna talk?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to say it wasn't my fault that she kissed me," He replied in a low tone, giving me the 'I'm sorry' look.

I looked down and back up at the camera before I sighed, "Kevin, I know that wasn't your fault. I'm actually not mad at you for that anymore."

"Well than why are you mad at me?" He screeched pulling his face down. I shook my head and sucked in my lips.

"Kevin, ever since that date we had months ago I thought I would love you forever. But then, you changed. You started ignoring me or when I talked to you, you would give me short answers. It feels and felt like we lost our spark'" I stuttered, trying to hold back my tears from falling. Kevin seemed very taken back, and roughed through his hair.

"Sam I do love ya. Please just give me a second chance, I can do it," He pleaded putting his hands together. I rubbed my eyes weary, and sat up a little.

"I need a break Kevin. I want to experience you as a friend from now on. Not somebody I dated and it didn't work out," I sniffled, as he turned pale. I needed some space, but I'm not sure this will be good in the future. Before I knew it, he shut the chat down and logged off skype. He wasn't expecting it and neither was I.

By the time it was 7:00 I was passed out dreaming about nothing. Just complete darkness. I was really cold being above the covers, yet it  was nearly spring. Gross enough, I was wearing the same clothes as yesterday. When the next morning came, my hair and face was straggly and all messed up.

After I changed into some new jeans and a sweatshirt, I applied some fresh mascara and pulled my hair into a ponytail. Today it was a dull day, and another lazy one really. When I was all ready to go, I went into the driveway and pulled out with my car to go to school.

In the parking lot, Kevin and Jacob walked in together shivering with the cold air. They must've walked to school instead of drove. I parked in the middle and got of my car when a figure came from behind me and whispered, "Hey sexy," which made me jump. As it turns out, it was Chris.

"Chris stay away from me," I said softly as he took steps forward.

"Gonna take more than that to get rid of me," He replied as he kissed me. I punched him back as he slammed me into me car, holding my waist. "Staying here."



Song On Side For Skype.

Random Pic Of Kevin

Love Yas!!!! ♥♥♥♥

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