Chapter11: Katie's Catchup

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The Next Day......

That Saturday morning, I ran on the trendmill in my basement for a half an hour. I blasted, "I Love It" by Icona Pop, lipsyncing every syllable. I needed to blow off some steam and relief some of my stress before going over Katie's. After the half an hour of pure sweat, I took and shower and treated my finger and toes to a French manicure. Then, I slipped on white skinny jeans, with a peach sleeveless shirt. Once I straightened my hair I put on some eyeliner and mascara just for a simple natural look. My finishing touch was a pair of black wedges that made my short self look 2-3 inches taller. Waiting in my living room, I texted Zack to see how he was.

Hi Zack


Are we okay?

Well if ya call being shoved by a piece of trash okay then yes im fine

I didnt know u had probs with him.

tbh i dont care. we will talk in a couple days

Fine ignore me. See u in a couple days.

Just as I sent that last text, Kevin beeped the horn outside. My dad started getting red because he thought it was a sign of embarrassment. I guess back in his day, if you beeped the horn it meant that you had no respect for the lady you were picking up. When I gave the simple notation that it was just Kevin, he knew it was okay. Just to be sure for later on, when I entered Kevin's car I told him that my dad would punch him if he beeped the horn for me again.

"So, Sam-a-lamb what's up?"

"Nothing, I'm starting to get excited."

"How come?"

"My birthday is coming up you big boob!" I said punching his arm.

"Oh right, that's coming up. How old are you turning this time?" Kevin enthused at me. Sometimes, he's just a real weirdo like Jacob.

"16! I'm turning 16! You need to get me something this year. It's a big year for me to turn!"

"I know that you're going through that stage in life where you are trying to be grown up and all but, what's my benefit?"

"Kevin please, it's your birthday in 5 days and mine is in a week. I'm getting you something so can I have something from you?" I held his hand and brought out my little kid crying face. Later on in the car ride, he gave in and suddenly ignited with excitement. Before we knew it, we were already at Katie's front door waiting her to come.

"Well hello old buddies, how are yall?" Katie opened to door and sparked.

Kevin and I said Hi and walked into Katie's living room with appetizers scattered over the table. A lot of it looked good even though it was 11:00 in the morning.

The beautiful thing about Katie is that she stays out of drama and is able to keep everything to herself. I feel kinda bad considering she just takes it like I do with no further instruction. If Katie was like Maddie, my life would be in deep trouble. I wouldn't be the person I am today without her. Now without Maddie, my life has been relieved of stress and immature problems. From the fight with her on, I will continue to be who I want to be and live my life the way I want to.

Before I knew it, Maddie and Jacob walked in together holding hands, intimately. It was now obvious that they were somehow in a relationship of some sort. If it wasn't obvious to me, it wasn't obvious to anyone.

For the next several minutes, it stayed silent in Katie's living room. Finally, Katie broke the silence with a simple What's going on? towards everyone.

Jacob replied with the expected, "I'm good." Maddie also replied with the same response.

Poor Katie had to see me holding hands with Kevin, while Maddie and Jacob were holding hands as well. Hopefully, she knew that Kevin and I were just friends. It would be awkward once again if something happened.

For the rest of the 4 hours I was over Katie's, she talked and caught up with everything. When I say everything, I mean everything. Now she knows about Kevin punching Jacob, Jacob fighting with Zack Star, and everything in between.

"So, a lot has happened since I left then right? Katie said shocked.

"Sadly, yes you have missed a lot."

"Well just in case you wanted to know, I got a promotion at my dance studio. Soon I can be an actual dance teacher! I won't have to be an assistant anymore." Katie enthused as her face lit up. Her life was really going good for her. She had a job, good grades, and an amazing future. I wish I had my life as planned out as hers.

Just as it turned 9:00, Jacob and Maddie left. When they were gone, Kevin started getting antsy as usual. We decided to leave.

On the way to my house, I checked my texts to see that I had one. Maddie Clarkson.

After tonight, I realized how bad things are. Meet me in the parking lot tomorrow after school.

Might as well bring my shield and get ready for World War III because I'm not going down without a fight. 


Hi guys!! I hope you liked this chapter! Sorry I didn't post that fast. I had a busy week. Katie is on the side>>>>

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