Chapter24: Trying To Explain

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Still Kevin's P.O.V.....

I couldn't believe that one girl could ruin my relationship with Sam. Then I realized that Maddie could do anything she wants with absolutely no consequence what-so-ever. Once again back to being single, and starting over again.

After I saw Sam run down the hall, I realized that i Wasn't going to catchup with her. So I decided to mope my way to English Class and talk to her later. So, I walked down the hall and into the room. I went to go sit in the back, and took out my homework. Scribbling my name on the paper, person after person entered and sat down which left me at my own seat. Sweet.

Today in English, we just reviewed some old grammar concepts. Basically, it was the 1st grade class I was asking for for today. Even though it was easy, it was really long. It was worksheet after worksheet, which was exhausting. By the end of the class, papers were everywhere. The whole class ended with everyone picking up around the room and the teacher passing out the homework. Nothing really event-full happened.

English was then over, so I went to the Spring Football Signups/Tryouts. Outside the school and on the field were tons of tall tough guys in line to sign up. Some new, some old. After 20 minutes of waiting in line, I signed up and went on the turf.

From the turf, I saw Sam on the bleachers fiddling around on her phone. She didn't look as upset as before, but she didn't have all the color in her face. When I waved, she didn't care really so I just continued to stretch.

When everyone was on the turf, the coach shouted, "Alright, we are going to go through our tryouts now that everyone is ready! First off, you have to be able to throw at least half the field! Form a line now!"

All the guys formed a line, and the coach threw the football to each and everyone who went. Most guys could do it, while others could only do 5 feet from them. Afterwards, we had to catch the ball from running. Both were simple, yet people struggled.

The coach screamed, "Well, I will post the list on Monday. Be gone!"

I dashed up the bleachers, and sat one bleacher below Sam and said, "it wasn't my fault. You have to hear me out on this."

Sam replied, "Haven't you done enough? Just leave me alone Kevin," which she then stood up. I grabbed her arm to keep her from leaving, so she squirmed and yelled, "Let me go, you lying cheater!"

"Sam, you know I didn't do this. I'm not a cheater. Don't call me that," I said aggressively which made her irritant. Before I knew it, my cheek was stung by a slap across the face.

Samantha then broke from my grip and imitated, "Kevin, you know I didn't do this. I'm not hurtful. Don't call me that," with that she went down the bleachers. Zack at the bottom nodded his head and smirked.

"Dude, you're screwed," Zack chuckled, walking back into the school with me.

Inside, people swarmed and shoved their way into the cafeteria which was just as packed. Maddie and Jacob sat together, and Katie and Zack sat next to them at our table. Sam sat on the other side of Katie, leaving me only to sit next to her and Jacob. Fortunate for her.

Under my breath I mumbled, "We have to talk soon," to Sam as she shot me and Maddie dirty looks. Maddie went in afterwards.

"Looks like someone isn't happy?" Maddie said trying to get under Sam's skin. Both Katie and Jacob were beyond confused with the intense glares at the table.

"Would you be skipping over rainbows if I kissed Jacob?" She replied angrily as Jacob and Katie caught on. Sam just struck back at Maddie's nerves surprisingly for her shyness. Sam's real bold today.

Maddie stood up and threatened, "Say it again, and your soup will be on shirt instead of in your mouth."

Samantha stood up and placed her hands on the table and replied, "Well it looks like its too late for that," as she flashed her hands down. Sam shoved her soup onto Maddie, making her dressed in soup. Afterwards, Maddie ran away as everyone continued eating.

Katie and Zack were smiling as was me and Sam. Jacob was depressed looking and couldn't eat anything. I wouldn't blame him to be a little disappointed.

Samantha then whispered, "We'll talk later," to me as she finished her lunch. Looking quickly over, I saw Chris Johnson winking at her impulsively. For a second I thought I would loose it but that would be too much for one day. Back at Sam, she just waved and put her head down. That was my girl.


A little de-ja-vu right?!?!

Well no pic or song this week:(

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