Chapter20: Its A Better Week

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A Week Later...   After 4 days my friends didnt seem dead anymore. Now I just have to find a way to get Jacob to shut up because he talks so much. Kevin lately has left his normal romantic attitude for a more old couple attitude instead. Yes, he does give me a kiss on the cheek or compliment but I don't get any more notes. Just as I expected from him.  

Today, when I came to visit I decided to do the whole rundown of what has passed during there experience at the hospital. After all, a lot had passed throughout their recovery. This time, I'm not bringing Kayla because I can't stand her Sophmore immature non-sympathetic little sister act with my friends. She's just has a loud personality that's relatively obnoxious at points. 

  When I arrived at the hospital I put my wet hair in a high ponytail ,and put on some mascara so I didn't look so lazy in my heavy sweatpants and shirt. I just had gym and took a refreshing shower before I came. Plus, it isn't like I'm meeting the Pope. Anyways, I showed the receptionist my 'visitor' card and I was off to the elevator.  After the elevator opened, I took a left and entered "The Lansing Resident" room first. I knocked on the door and heard a voice that said come in.  

There Jacob was, eating beans and a hot-dog in his hospital bed. Now, he had his normal pale face instead of his sick one. I squeaked my rained-out sneakers to the chair besides his bed and started talking.

  "Wow, you get good food served here for a hospital. You must be starving anyways right?" I asked giving  Jacob a surprised look with his delectable food.  

Then he smirked, "I sure am. You know what they say about beans?" Of course I knew where this was going, "Beans,beans there good for your heart, the more you eat the more you-"

  "Okay okay I know it Jacob. And your gross," I interrupted while Jacob deviously ate each bean one by one. Then he whispered 'fart' as I looked down at my unread messages, making my LOL in my mind. Katie texted me she wanted to meet up later I guess to tell me about something. Continuing my conversation with Jacob, I placed my phone down and began my runoff of events.

"Jacob so far you've missed Halloween, Gabby's Birthday and your going to miss your own birthday. "

He layed there blank faced, shocked at how much real time had passed. Technically he had missed all of November. Jacob then pulled the skin from his eyebrow out in distress. I bit my lip and remained silent for the next few minutes to let him process what I had said. It came out way quicker than I wanted to but the truth is the truth anyways.

Finally managing a sarcastic smile, Jacob murmurred, "Alright then," keeping as straight a face as possible. Then I gave him a hug goodbye, and walked down the hospital hallway to the elevator and out. I had already seen Kevin today so I was fine without going by again. Keeping my promise, I went over Katie's house staight after the hospital.

Of course I hit every red light possible to slow my way to Katie's house even more. I already looked crudy, so could I at least make it to her house on time to not be unfashionably late. When I passed the park I took the backstreets and pulled into Katie's driveway finally. Quickly I ran up to Katie's porch/front door in the pouring rain and knocked.

To my surprise Katie pulled me in and shut the door all within the second of me knocking. It was like one of those ninja moves you would see on T.V. really. After being tugged inside, I took off my shoes and dragged myself into Katie's Room who had ben pacing and smiling eagerly ever since I came in.

 Katie then took a couple breaths and eagered, "Guess what?"

I yelled, "What Katie, what?!"

She screamed, "I'm going to you guys' high school next week!"

To my surprise, I gasped and hugged her extremely tight, "YAY! Wait your serious?"

"Yes, I'm serious!" She replied and let go of the hug. "To figure out the other news, you have to stay here all night. Then at midnight I will tell you it." She smiled as I sighed and texted my Mom I'm staying over her house.

Since it was a disgusting day, we decided to watch a movie. When I went to the movie cabinet in Katie's living room, in my mind I jumped for joy because I saw Grownups 2. I took it out and showed Katie. We both agreed to be totally overemotional with every scene we saw. So if their was something funny, we would laugh histerically, disturbing Sarah her 7th grade sister who was the same age as Gabby. By the end of the movie, Sarah had 2 pillows over her ears, AAAP. Or she was as annoyed as possible. The movie ended around 11:30 so I began to feel anxious.

"What's the news dude? I really want to know!" I began slapping her hands and pinching her cheeks together.

"Well I guess its soon enough to tell you what's going on," She sighed and walked from the living room into her room. She sat on her bed and I sat on the desk chair beside her.

"As it turns out, I have a date with a guy. He's the total package for me. The definition of complete hotness!" Katie enthused throwing her hands in the air and blushing. By the time she was finished she was a peach. It was a little funny to think she could like someone this much.

"His name is Zack and I met him at the mall the other day. Zack was in American Eagle when I was trying to find a pair of skinny jeans, and then we started talking. He's taking me out to some restuarant on Friday!"

"By any chance, do you know his last name?" I questioned because I have a feeling I know that this wasn't any other Zack besides my own. I bit my lip hoping that she wouldn't say Star.

She replied, "I think its Star or Sar, something like that."

Fp. Or face palm.


Not a long chapter:/

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