Chapter21: Dates of Destiny

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I slunk back in Katie's desk chair, but managed to maintain a fake smile. Katie bounced on her bed with a thinking expression on. When she finally stopped, her face glowed and she shot me a glare of excitement.

"OH EM GEE. I have the best idea for Friday night! Instead of it being just Zack and I, it should be all of us! You and Kevin haven't been out yet right? Like a date?" Katie gasped at how good that sentence sounded all together. For me, I saw an opportunity of awkwardness and romance rolled in one. I don't know if this was a good idea considering that Maddie was included in us still. Either way, I didn't shoot Katie down for trying so I just said I would make sure it was okay with Kevin. Considering the fact that Kevin still can't walk and is in the hospital for another week, I don't know if he could even make it to the date.

"How about I call and ask him right now," I replied taking out my phone, "Wait, does that sound desperate since I'm a girl asking him out?"

She shook her head and insisted, " As long as you say it was my idea to bring everyone together, then it doesn't sound desperate. There are way more desperate girls in the world."

"Okay then, excusez-moi por favor," I walked out of Katie's bedroom and down the hall to the bathroom. Inside there was a sink, a toilet (obviously), and a shower to the left of the sink. I shut the door behind me and dialed the hospital number. After a minute of automated crap, I heard the voice of the hospital receptionist instead of the fake lady on the line.

"Childrens' Hospital, this is Valerie how may I help you?" The receptionist asked.

"Hi this is Samantha Marino calling on the behalf of Kevin Moore. May I please speak with him?" I asked politely slightly making my voice seem higher pitched than usual.

"Of course Miss, I will translate you to his server right away. Thank you and have a great day," She replied, as I heard the sound of numbers being pressed.

Before I could say 'you too' to the receptionist, the phone started ringing and was answered eagerly by a male voice.

"Hello?" The voice asked yelled out into the phone. I had to pull my phone from my ear before I could ask who it was.

"It's Sam, who's this?" I replied in a firm tone relaxing the eardrum I had nearly blown from the overexcited male on the phone.

In the background there was a small clap before the voice said, "It's Kevin, what are you up too?"

"Nothing, I'm just over Katie's. Listen I understand if you can't do this, but Katie has a date with Zack and she wants us to come to. If you can it would mean the world to me. Jacob and Maddie might go too!" I tried to make him want to come, but it was hopeless. He was still in bad condition from the accident, and he probably wouldn't be into it. Plus I'm not that convincing.

I bit my lip and then listened on the other line, "You know what, I'll try. Wear something nice okay, I'm gonna be there!" He screamed and shouted as there were rapid noises in the background. I can't believe he said yes!

Kevin then asked, "When is the date?" When I told him it was Friday, he squealed a little bit. Kevin sounded kinda like a little girl with candy. Wait a second...

"Kevin, did the nurse give you some medication?" I said sweetly hoping he really wasn't. Now I knew why he was so loopy and excited.

"Uhh- yeah she did like 15 minutes ago... like an hour ago.... maybe 2." He replied. Again, another face palm moment.

I sighed and sustained, "Well Kevin, I'll see you Friday okay? Love ya."

"Love you too baby haha!" He hung up, and I just hope that he remembers.

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