Chapter27: Forgetting & Forgiving

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Sam's P.O.V.

Our half day was a little awkward because of how the day started, but it somehow managed to go by really quickly. Now that I hoped the whole Chris thing could be over, I kind of felt empowered to do something fun now that the half day was over. All four of us were walking outside the door, when Katie said, "Hey wanna go meet up at my house? All of yall can come."

The boys and I chorused, "Okay," and walked into our cars and started to drive away. Before I went to Katie's I quickly stopped at Burger King and got a cheeseburger to hold me over so I wouldn't be begging for food when I got to Katie's. After receiving the cheeseburger, I stuffed it down my throat and jugged down the fries that came with it. Lately I was really hungry and anxious, so this was just what I needed.

I arrived at Katie's moments later, and I was the second car besides Katie's to be in her driveway. By the looks of it, I think it was Kevin who was already there with Katie. Brace myself for one of the most awkward conversations ever.

When I knocked on Katie's Door, instead of seeing Katie with her smiley expression I saw Kevin with a mozzerella stick half eaten in his hand as he said, "Sup." He ripped his half of the mozzerella stick and motioned it over to me but I shook my head.

Katie then popped her head from the side and screeched," There are mozzerella sticks as you can see. I suggest you have some before Fatty over here eats all of them," which made Kevin stop in the midst of him eating another and sit on the couch. Sadly, I sat next to him and Katie sat next to me.

Finally, Jacob showed up and ploped right on Kevin's lap and said, "Well hello, best friends. It is very nice to see you guys again." Kevin twitched, and squeezed him until Jacob had to get off him.

"So what do you guys want to do?" Katie asked taking another mozzarella stick from the platter. Kevin then clapped excitedly and screamed out, "AIR HOCKEY!" and went downstairs with Jacob. Things just got heated.

There's one thing you don't know about us is that we are competitive people. If we lose at something we pout, or become really defensive or brag. Air hockey was just one of those sports.

Katie and I followed the boys after already hearing the screams of, "YES! YES!" and "NO!" From the Hockey board thing.

"Boys, if you break something you have to-" Katie tried to say after being nearly killed by a hockey puck. Not killed but hit by. "Boys be careful," Katie squeaked sinking down to the beanbag below her. By the looks of it, Jacob was winning so far.

I turned to look at Katie and questioned, "Where's Zack?" and she replied with he was busy taking care of some relatives. Doesn't add up. Anyways, the loud screams continued and Kevin caught up to Jacob. When it was the final call, Kevin beat Jacob 4-5.

"Better luck next time player," Kevin bragged happy dancing in front of his face. Jacob replied, "You cheated! That's not fair!"

"Calm down boys, there are enough twinkies for the both if you," Katie bringing everyone to roaring laughter . Katie really was a funny person for a girl. Sometimes I thought Jacob would be jealous if how funny she is.

"Hey let's team up! Boys pick your players!" I suggested as the boys did rock-paper-scissors to figure out who picked.

Eventually Jacob won and exclaimed, "Sam, come on down to the winning side!" I was glad to be with him but I hope this doesn't last too long so I can eat more mozzarella sticks.

Since Jacob lost the first round, he got to serve first. When he hit it, it sped fastly across the board in a diagonal and was hit back the same way. Basically, we weren't giving up.

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