Chapter22: Time to Be Strong

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On the way home, my feet started killing me from wearing the heels and I was really tired. Kevin drove me home as fast as possible which was bittersweet. I mean, the night itself was great but it was nice to finally be at home. It was perfect timing because I'm pretty sure my hair is an afro by now.

Kevin parked in my driveway, and gripped my hand tightly. He smiled, and his eyes glistened in the moonlight. Funnily, his concealer started to run maybe because he was sweating so much. I bit my lip a little at the beautiful sight I saw.

"Well, I have to say only one thing to my lady," Kevin spurred making me blush impulsively, "This was an amazing night I've had with you and everyone. I hope you keep the ring because its your early Christmas gift."

Just like that it started snowing outside, fluttering dancing snowflakes from the sky. This was the most romantic moment of my life. It was like a fairytale or made-up story that couldn't have existed or wouldn't have. Once again, it was Kevin at his best.

"I'll talk to tomorrow Kevin. Love you," I said sweetly and was returned with a heart-jerking kiss on the cheek. I waved goodbye and watched him drive away in the gently falling snow. When I walked inside, I found my eavesdropping sisters fall down looking through the door crack. Kayla and Gabby are such kids once again. You would think that they would be asleep before midnight, but I guess I could just dream about it. My Mom was snoring on the couch which meant she was apart of the 'eavesdropper' club too. She probably just couldn't stay awake.

4 Months Later

Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Valentines day went by way too fast. The fairytale relationship I had faded away giving me just another average relationship with Kevin. Both Kevin and Jacob were fully recovered now, and they could even walk slowly by themselves. Katie was doing great at our High school with us. Finally, I had a girl who was a friend in High school after 3 years. Now I could actually have a boy talk on a daily basis if I wanted too.

On that crisp March morning, my windows had frosted and my feet were freezing. As I dressed myself into some skinny jeans and a tummy-hugging pink sweater, it began to look sunnier outside. I applied thin eyeliner on with some mascara and a shiny lipgloss to match the sweater. For shoes, I threw on a pair of black moccasins to match. Lazily, I straightened my hair for a change.

After I drank my protein shake, my Mom drove me to school with Kayla. As a younger sister would, she 'sang' to every single song we heard on the radio just to get on my nerves. She screamed in the parking lot just to try and embarrass me in front of my friends. Big mistake, considering it was in front of her so called 'boyfriend'.

After Kayla embarrassed herself, I walked through the parking lot to the High school door which had ice stuck to the doorknob. I slammed it open after many attempts, and watched as Kevin walked right past me in the hallway.

When I got to my locker, I opened it and reread the first part of the note from Kevin I received 5 months before:

"Give me a kiss, give me the world, give me your heart, You'll be my girl, give me your smile, give me your time, give me your love, I'll give you mine. When you smile you had my undivided attention, when you laughed you had my urge to laugh with you, when you cried you had my urge to hold you, when I say I love you, you have my heart forever."

This still made me blush, but it was sad to think I don't get treated like this anymore.

Anyways I took my Algebra II stuff out, when I was startled by Chris Johnson. Chris is a short/ my height guy that has liked me since the 4th grade. He has brown hair with green eyes, and is in my Algebra II class. Of course he sits right next to me since there was only one seat left.Yes I liked him at first but now I'm actually taken by Kevin.

"Hey Sam," Chris started, leaning on the locker next to mine, "What are you doing Friday?"

"Chris, you know I'm dating Kevin," I whined, shutting my locker and walk-running away. He continued to follow me.

"Chris go away. You're creeping me out right now. Stop," I continued, trying to move away from him as fast as possible. When I made it to class, I still couldn't escape Chris because he had to sit next to me. Ugh!

Walking in slowly and breathing heavy was Chris fixing his hair. He winked at me and sat down next to me. Then, Chris scooched his chair basicly creating a bench for me and him. This was beyond awkward and uncomfortable. Where's Maddie when you need her?

Again, I don't know why Chris was more annoying than he had usually been. I don't know if something make him wake up and say I'm going to annoy her. I broke up our 'bench' by sliding on the side of the table so I couldn't sit next to him. Unfortunately, I was yelled at and forced into sitting next to him. Seconds went by painfully, and minutes even worse. Waiting for someone to notice how disgusting this linebacker really was.

Then he put his hand on my thigh creating more tension with my mind. It was the last straw, so for the next 5 minutes of class I'll spend it in the bathroom. So I squirmed out from his grip and walked my way up the aisle and to the teacher's desk and asked her to use the bathroom. Reluctantly, she said yes and I scurried out into the hallway. Of course Mister Stalker followed me once again, as soon as I entered the girls' bathroom. Scared, I locked my stall in the corner and stood awkwardly on the toilet.

The door opened slightly, without any trace of a footstep. When I thought I was safe, a faint whisper echoed against the walls, "Can't hide forever can you?" Finally, the door shut and he left just like that. Tip-toeing out of the stall and bathroom, I was not surprised to see he waited for me.

"Well dollface, I can't believe you thought I left you all alone," Chris smirked and caressed my cheek gently.

Promise me you'll be strong okay?

I took some action, "Chris stop it. I'm not your freaking Voodoo Doll. Leave me alone or else," As I shoved him back away from me. Since it was still 4th period and not yet 5th, no one was in the halls besides me and Chris.

Chris slammed my shoulders back against a locker, restraining my every move besides on special one, "Or else what doll? What are you gonna do? Scream?" He laughed when I stood up a little.

I mocked back, "Well, you must have forgot that your a guy," I kicked at his stuff and he crouched down. He coughed at the floor, as I said, "Bye-bye dollface." Skipping away, the bell rang for lunch.

At my locker, I grabbed my lunch and headed inside the cafeteria. Already at the table, was Kevin. I smiled and he looked down at his phone, and typed into it.

I can't talk. tooo sick. lost voice.

"Ok, it's fine," he went back to eatting his Ham sandwich and Lays, while I just sat at the table and did nothing.

Behind Kevin at the next table, was Chris staring at me. He waved and I just rolled my eyes. Kevin didn't even see.


New drama:)

Theres a picture of  Chris on the side if you would like to see.

Song that goes for the chapter as well:)

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