Chapter29: Shop To Drop

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Sam's P.O.V.

Today was like the fake hangover day at Katie's. I was wiped out and on top of it all, I managed to drool on Kevin. I never drool!

Kevin and Katie were still asleep when I tried to get out of bed at maybe 11:30 a.m. When I mean I tried, I mean that I woke both them up from ripping the blanket off them. Katie flipped the blanket right back on her, while Kevin was absolutely clueless of what was going on. Jacob was somehow missing which really didn't bug me. He's always gone frequently, and when he is around you almost want him gone to get him from being annoying.

I ran out of Katie's room, and scurried into the bathroom to check the monster disaster they call my hair. Scared, I shut my eyes until I finally looked into the mirror. My hair wasn't a total mess, but you could call it a beehive. My makeup was worse because of all the smudges of mascara on my cheeks and under my eyes. To tame the beasts, I pulled my hair into a messy bun to deal with later and scrubbed my face with warm water to remove the smudges.

"The one day I sleep in from dance and field hockey, you wake up. Thanks Sam!" I heard from Katie's room which it was Katie herself. She's the type of girl that is always busy no matter what she does. Of course it makes me feel guilty for waking her up, but it's 11:30 a.m.! It wasn't like it was 3 in the morning!

I yelled back at her, "Well it isn't my fault that I slept between you guys. You decided to put me in the middle!" As I sneakily looked back into Katie's room. Katie was standing up fixing her hair and makeup in her mirror, and Kevin was just folding the blanket from the ground. After a few minutes of silence went by, Kevin wrapped his arms over me and kissed my cheek. Might've made things a little more awkward but hey I don't care.

We all had bacon together in the quiet, which wasn't surprising since when Jacob isn't here it's like the library. When everyone was full, we all just kinda parted ways.

At home, I was bored out of my mind. I had nothing to do besides chill out and enjoy Spring Break. Spring break is just really an excuse for lazy kids to be lazier. I'd rather have more of a summer than less of it. I was on the floor in my room before I realized what I can do. I can go prom shopping finally.

My Mom decided to come with me since she wants to be part of this, and because this money is coming out of her paycheck. I would pay but my Mom actually does want to pay for whatever dress I might want because of the new experience. First off, was Macy's to see what they could have.

Macy's was packed with people in the dress's section probably because of prom so soon. It's basically in 3 weeks so I wouldn't blame it being packed. The first part of the dress's section my Mom and I went to was the tight-fitted rack. I picked out a red curvy mermaid dress while my Mom picked out an ankle length pink Barbie looking fitted dress. After we picked them out, I went into the dressing room and changed into my pick first.

When I came out my Mom shook her head, "This isn't the one honey. You look like a street walker with that material," my Mom said honestly, motioning her hand back to the dressing room. This hurt my feelings a little considering I didn't feel that bad about this dress. Yes it had flaws, but it wasn't as horrible as she made it sound. I simply went back in and changed into her pick.

This dress prevented me from moving anything besides my feet which was irritating. When I came out my Mom grinned and said, "I like this one. This is more of your style, and it looks great." Instead of her shaking her head, I shook mine.

"Mom, this dress cuts off circulation. How am I even supposed to dance or walk?" I questioned as she looked down embarrassed. With another hour of trying fitted dresses, nothing was working. I gave up and started getting really frustrated.

The final dress I tried on wasn't fitted, but it was really flowy and magical looking. It had a flower and black sequins on the top part while it being a naturally black dress. My Mom and I exchanged looks as if it was Morse Code to go try it on right now.

After I came out, I felt on top of the world. It fit me just right. This dress was completely away from the vision I was expecting my dream dress to look like. When my Mom saw it she shrieked, "This is it honey. I love it," before tears were forming. I gave her a hug and I knew that this would be a moment to remember.

My Mom paid for the dress, and we were off and on back to home. I pulled into the driveway first, and dashed to my room at full speed completely forgetting about the dress. On Facebook, I posted Who knew prom dresses could be so difficult before receiving a text from Jacob.

hey we really need to talk. im really stressed and need help.

God, what could possibly be wrong now! Please just be that he's stuck on a Math problem, and can't figure it out. Or that he's just as bored as me right now. Then I texted him back.

What Do U Need?:)

The next message sent me off my bed, crashing and dropping to the floor. Jacob really was in trouble.

kevin already knows. maddie is pregnant with my baby.

What am I supposed to tell him? I'm not  Mom. Nor do I wish to be at the moment.. Jacob really did screw up this time because now there's a kid involved.

Just as I think that my friends can't be in more crap, Katie texts me something that probably has her scarred fore life.

Hey sam, this is a rush. i caught zack cheating on me today after dance at the mall. plzzz text back soon.

What am I supposed now that basically all my friends have been screwed? (No pun intended).


Well isn't it just great to have more drama in the story? Note the Sarcasm.

Sam's Prom Dress is on The Side.


Remember to vote and follow me on instagram @samlizzy99

Sorry for the wait. I've caught a case of Writer's Block. :P

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