Chapter9: Madelyn's Charm

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Hi guys I hope you like the book so far:) I especially hope you like the pictures I've added. Enjoy!

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                                                                             Jacob's P.O.V.

When I was shoved, I sucker punched Zack right back in his stomach. He was one tall dude, like standing next to a tree. Just as I expected, teaches had to separate us and sent us both to the office. To my surprise, we just were given a warning of conduct. Anymore fights and we would be suspended and written up. If I was suspended, I'm pretty sure my Mom would shred me to pieces. She could be really tough and strict with certain things, and being written up is a big one. My Dad on the other hand could care less since he's a kid at heart himself. Like me in every single way.

After I left the office I went off to my house. I needed to chill out and relax. Or have a good nap. Either one would work out well for me. Walking down the football field, in the distance I saw Kevin and Sam. What I saw was kind of frightening, Kevin was rubbing Sam's back as she cried effortlessly. Sam was red and pale at the same time which made me think that it was because of me. On Facebook, Sam's status was single while jerkoff Zack had a status of taken not by Samantha Sterling. Feeling horrible, I texted Sam sorry that I embarrassed her. It was almost sure that she wouldn't text back. Continuing my way to my house, I was sick to my stomach.

Feeling sick, I slammed the front door open and into the bathroom. Surprisingly, I didn't throw up at all. In my room, I had about 9 messages from Maddie. It was kinda annoying since all of them were basically the same thing rearranged in a different order. They said : Hey boy, I miss ya. Miss ya boy. Hey I miss ya. After a while it became annoying, but at least I knew that someone cared about me at that moment. I didn't have Sam or Kevin really. Sam was mad or upset with me, and Kevin was irritated with me. Its just great. I started texting Madelyn after I was thought to throw up.

Hayyy Maddie

Hey Jacob. Where are ya? :)

I'm home hbu gurlll

Nothing. Can i come ova?

I had to think quickly, so I just said yes.

See you here then

Kk Jake:)

It was once again annoying since no one calls me Jake, because I don't know. My name isn't Jake! 20 minutes later, she showed up at my door so opened the door in awe.

Maddie was wearing a black cheerleading style skirt, with a grey sweater-sweatshirt looking thing. It was an odd combination to see her in so I was a little shocked. It didn't look good at all.

"Hey boo."

"Hello Madelyn Clarkson. Nice gid-up you have there."

"Haha, thank you. Can I come in boo?"

"My room is this way."

I motioned her through my kitchen into the hallway, to my bedroom. In there, she somersaulted herself on my bed. Her hair fell upside down, with her ever so perfect smile. It didn't compare to her 8th grade bracey, buck-teeth one.

"So what brings you here Miss Madelyn Clarkson? It seems as if you have been bored for sometime now."

"Well, you said it. I'm just a bored girl, with a friend. Just one." She smiled effortlessly, poking my chest upside down. Then Maddie flipped on her stomach and kicked her feet up.

"At the moment your my only friend too. Sam is upset with me because I beat up her friend. Kevin is just siding with her. I'm sure that they will be okay with me if I say sorry but I mean this is my second strike for me I think. Plus, I really like my friends you know?"

Maddie gazed into my eyes and sparkled.

"Everything will be alright for you kid. You actually have a chance, I don't. People have a power over us even after they're gone."

Once again, another girl was sad. Is all that happens here crying? Crying wasn't an action because I'm kinda sick of it. Successfully, I held her hand looking back.

"Realize that you did this to yourself okay? It isn't like they woke up one day and said they hated you. Believe it or not, I used to be on their side. I like you a lot Maddie."

She looked up at me and sat on my lap. Later on, she rested her head on my shoulder.

When I caressed her head, she smiled. On instant, I had a my first kiss.

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