Chapter19: Hospitality in the Hospital

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General P.O.V.

The boys were sent to the hospital immediately after the car accident. Both of them were found locked upside down in the car, unconscious in a pool of their own blood. They were sent into the E.R. part of the hospital as soon as they arrived. Also, the boys have been in there for 3 days. Neither one has awaken since.

Today for the 3rd day in a row, Samantha and Madelyn have been at the hospital everyday after school along with the Moore and Lansing families.

Jacob was sent into the I.C.U. after breaking out from his coma on the 4th day of being in the hospital. Kevin remains motionless in his coma in a different room from Jacob.

Jacob's P.O.V.

I squinted threw my neckbrace that took up half my vision. There was nearly 50 needles and wires on me preventing me from moving any part of my body. Through my blurred vision, I saw my family or my Mom and Dad crouded around me, staring. My Mom put a heavy blanket over my light white hospital sheets, which made my body even more unable to move.

"Hi baby. Your awake now, right?" My Mom rubbed my forehead, and tucked my loose hair behind my ear. I managed to crack her a slight smile through my chapped lips. On the inside I felt really weak and tired.

"Can I see what look like?" I mumbled quietly at my Mom and Dad. They each gave me a different response. Since my Dad said I could see myself, he pulled out his camera on his phone to let me look. My Mom simply looked away from me, now I knew why.

Now I could see the black bruises on my eyes along with the bloody scratch that stretched diagonally from my forehead to my nose. I couldn't help but start crying at how horrible I looked with my even more pale beat up face. When My Mom saw me upset she layed next to me and stroked my hair, fighting back tears of her own.

Hours later I heard a knock on the door which I hoped it would be the nurse with my lunch, but it was Sam and her sister Kayla instead. It was weird how people thought they were twins when they didn't resemble each other at all. Either way they came in with black winter North Faces and long skinny jeans on giving off nervous smiles at me.

"Hi brother, what's up?" Kayla smirked tapping my nose repeatedly. Sam punched her arm and gave the stop-it-or-else look.

Soon after Sam sat in the chair beside my bed and looked at me heartstriken and asked, "How do you feel?" When I told her I was tired, she gave me a crazed look.

"Jacob, you were sleeping in a coma for 4 days. How are you tired?" She cried out at me. I couldn't believe I was in a coma, and especially that I was in one for that long. Then I realized, where's Kevin?

"Sam, where's Kevin?" I whispered weakly to Sam as she sighed gravely.

Sam looked down and whispered back, "He's still hasn't waken up yet. Both of you are hurt, but he's critically hurt," I scratched my face after hearing this. My bestfriend was nearly as dead as me, and it was techically my fault for distracting him. Not only that, but Sam had to remain stuck with her boyfriend half-dead.

I mouthed to her 'I'm sorry' through my lips, wiping a tear from her face. She gave me a smile to try and distract herself from crying in front of her sister.

Reassuring her, I held her hand as tight as I could until I heard another knock on the door. Sam looked over and got up from the chair next to me and took her sister with her. I couldn't see that well, so the figure who entered the room wasn't visible until it sat next to my bed. It was Maddie.

Making myself look worse, I squinted even more to make her feel that much worse. She needs to know that I wouldn't be here if she didn't give me so much anxiety. Anyways, what did she want?

Tears must have previously been on her face because her makeup ran making her cheeks black. She pulled her hair back, and started talking slowly.

"I've never screwed up more now, than I have ever in my life. Jacob I'm soo so-orry," She busted out crying in front me "I love you Jacob, soo much and we almost lost you making sick to my stomach. I didn't mean to blow up on you like I did."

She really was upset with herself and disappointment was all over her hazel eyes. My neck swelled up making cough for several seconds, which caused me to spit up blood on my hospital gown. Maddie gazed into my eyes and held her tears back and whimpered, "I love you more than life itself Jacob Lansing."

Maddie kissed my beaten forehead and readied herself to leave. On her way out I whispered back, "I love you too Madelyn Clarkson."

Samantha's P.O.V.

Walking to Kevin's room with Kayla was torturous. She has no sympathy in her body with how badly hurt the boys are. I mean she feels bad but not that you can tell. Finally, I stopped in the hallway and snapped, "Kayla, can you go wait in the car. I want to see him myself okay?"

She rolled her eyes and replied, "Fine, give Kev-Kev an extra hug for me kayy?"

"Sure, it'll be 5 to 10 minutes."I sarcastically said back continuing my way to Kevin's room.

I knocked on the door softly, and was answered by his father who gladly step out of the room and joined his wife. For the 4th time I saw my basically dead boyfriend in front of me. With the empty space on his bed, I layed next to him and held his hand with a grip. Then, I looked at all of Kevin's bruises and scars on his innocently white face, which caused me to sob a little.

After, I whispered in his ear, "Kevin, I love your brown melting eyes and perfect hair. I love your beautiful voice and personality that causes me to feel safe everytime I'm with you, and your strong heart that helps me fight my tears off when I'm upset. Life without you is a nightmare, Kevin Moore. You're my rock, Kevin, so without you I'm nothing. I want you to stay."

After pouring my heart out, my face had already broken out into hives making me as white as Kevin. I slurped some water down from the nearby sink with a small white Dixie cup. Then I returned to Kevin's bed and worked my way around the wires and needles to give him a snuggle-hug, and a warm kiss on his frozen lips.

I got up and fixed my North Face straightening the creases. Just like that a jerk on the bed caused me to jump and squeal a little.

All I saw was a precious and pure face glare at me with an amazing smile. 

The face croaked, "I love you too ,Samantha Sterling." 


How cute!!! Hope this was a nice way of concluding this chapter for you guys. Back on the happy track!!!!!!!

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Any predictions?? Kik me @samlizzy99 or my instagram @samlizzy99

Either one works!!!!!:)

Kayla is on the side:)

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