Chapter33: What's Going On?

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I still couldn't comprehend what the doctor said. My mind went blank and I couldn't see through my water-glazed eyes. Honestly, I could see how Zack could die right now but I couldn't stand Kevin leaving.

"Wait so-o th-hey might d-die?" I stuttered trying to stay on my feet. Running through my hair, I felt so hopeless and uncared for right now. there wasn't anything I could do to save my friends lives. Not even my boyfriend.

"Well one of them is in a coma while the other is just in critical condition," the young doctor assured, widening his eyes then giving a slight smile.

After hearing what the doctor said, I walked further down the hall and looked through Zack's room to see him squinting. A bandage swarmed his head with an oxygen mask covering face.

Hey I'm here, where do I go?

I texted her back where I was then texted Jacob to come here. Within seconds later, a cheerful face came out of the elevator skipping her away towards me. This is going to be painful to say.

Her smile was wiped when she saw my tears and hives on my face. She asked, "What's wrong? What happened?"

My mouth opened and I pushed out, "Kevin and Zack are dying right now," At first she gave me the 'yeah sure' expression, but when she saw that I was serious her eyebrows furrowed.

"What happened?" Katie asked again this time with more concern. My heart dropped and I'm pretty sure hers did too.

"Zack ss-hot hims-self in the hee-ad, and Kevin was s-sacked du-uring t-the football g-game," I slurred trying keep my breath steady. Katie looked just as frail and hopeless as I did. She lost all the color in her face, and newly formed tears had fallen down across her cheeks.

The doctor interrupted, "You guys can visit the one in critical condition," half smiling to us. Jacob made it upstairs and down the hall worried and already looking upset. He already knew.

I whispered, "Which one is in critical condition?" The doctor looked down at his clipboard and paced his finger along the page looking for the name.

He replied, "Mr.Star is in critical condition at the moment. If you do choose to see him, try not to be loud because he's in a sensitive state."

I tried to bite back my smile after the doctor said 'Mr.Star' instead of Zack. Even besides that, I was nervous for Katie. I don't know if I could live with the fact that my boyfriend tried to kill himself. Especially in public.

Katie and Jacob gave me the let's go and see our dying friend face. Sadly, I nodded my head and turned the knob to Zack's door. He didn't look good whatsoever.

Katie cursed under her breath and was first to go by Zack's side. She mumbled quietly, "Why did you try?"

He smiled widely and answered, "Because I couldn't stand hurting you. I loved you but I loved Mason more. He made me feel wanted, and I just couldn't tell you because you would tell everyone. Everyone already knows because of someone on the football team." I'm guessing Mason was the other guy, and I need to figure out who the other guy was.

Zack started coughing up blood, and gripped the thin hospital sheets covering him. He continued, "The doctor said I could live because of the football helmet. I'm not supposed to though." What?

Jacob intervened with a depressed expression on his face, "I hate to say this, but your the reason I look this sexy now. If you didn't push me to change I would still be the fat guy."

The pale white sheet of Zack replied, "You did that yourself bud," before coughing up more blood onto his white neck/head cast. He gave another slight smile and looked back over at Katie.

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