Chapter32: Final Countdown

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Sam's P.O.V.

I sat on the couch in the living room, getting ready to go to the football game with Kevin. He was going to play for the first time today, and trying to make things better I'm going to support him. For the final quarter, I'm going home just because it'll be too late to even keep my head up. You might say I'm the average nerd, but I'm just a girl who likes her sleep.

Tonight, I'm wearing a pair of black body hugging yoga pants with a red and black sweatshirt. It's supposed to be really cool outside so I'm not going to bring a sweatshirt and wear a t-shirt since that is just to much work. Plus, since I'm not staying for the whole thing I don't need a t-shirt.

6:30 p.m.


Half an hour until the game starts. I slowly get up from the couch and throw my hair up into a messy bun. My makeup is fine for now, so I don't really have to adjust it. Before I leave, I took a bag of gummy bears with me so I have a FREE snack with me at the game Afterwards I race out the door and into my car, before my crazy sister could follow me.

I listened to "We Can't Stop" by Miley Cyrus in the car for the 9000th time on my way to the game. Swear to god, they make the song longer to irritate me. By the end of the beat, I pulled up outside the stadium and studied the ticket money which was $5.00. Since I had an extra 5 dollars left, I decided to go to the consention stand to get some fried dough or fries.

On my way to the stands, I could see 2 guys mugging up under the bleachers. Curiosity got the best of me, in which I saw the 2 tall football players kissing. It was awkward just staring at them, as they roughly went down each other's throats. I squinted and looked at the darker haired guy. He was oddly familiar, and I jumped back to actually see who he was.

Zack He was cheating on Katie with a guy? When he finally saw who I was, he shamefully walked towards me. His eyes couldn't be connected with, his hands couldn't stop shaking.

"You can't tell her or anyone about this. Not even Kevin," Zack said advancing towards me. I stood still and looked at my feet, while his breathing was heavy. His eyes drifted away for a second, to what was behind me. I didn't bother turning back, to scared to even see who the shorter shadow was. Zack's last words before he tugged his helmet over his head were, " Remember me for how I was, not what I did."

My head tilted and I put my hands on my hips. What was that supposed to mean? The other football player followed Zack out from under the bleachers, and went to set up for the first quarter. I continued my way out of the bleachers and to the stands to grab my fried dough ASAP. The roaring crouds of people cried out names of people on the football team, as well as for the whole team itself. The skinny aisle of people along the fence made it hard for me to get to the stand.

Finally, I stood in line for the fried dough and watched the game from there. As usual, I couldn't recognize any of the players so I couldn't tell where Zack or Kevin were. All I saw was one player get totally sacked by a huge fat hobo looking football player on the other team. The short and skinny guy was carried off the field and placed on a stretcher. Poor guy, he was crunched like my breakfast bar I usually have in the morning.

After watching that quick play, I stepped forward and ordered my fried dough along with a pink lemonade to quench my thirst. Shortly after, I grabbed my fried dough and paid the $4.50. On my way back, I realized the whole audience was silent. I looked onto the field and saw a football player with his helmet on in the distance completely out of the way of the other players. All I could really hear through the audience was oh really? and he's gay? That loser thought he was bad. My attention inflicted on Zack. Did he tell someone already?

Everyone gasped and screamed on the top of their lungs to see what I cried for. A cold,metal gun was pointed right at the side of the helmet. Tears rolled down my face hoping that he wouldn't end pull that trigger. That this wouldn't be his last goodbye.

Everything slowed down, people stood up and ran to their cars outside of the stadium. Screaming children were being abandoned and innocent people were trampled. My heart leaped at the sound, the very sound of the gun. The same ambulance that took the crunched up quarterback took Zack with it, and I wasn't going to leave without it either. I hopped into my car and sped down the offramp to the hospital that I seemed to go to really frequently.

It seemed as if I hit all the red lights, and all the awful drivers. My tears kept coming down my cheeks as I thought about Zack even though what he did was wrong. He cheated on Katie, but he shot himself over it. These thoughts swarmed my head while I thought about an empty feeling in my stomach like something had been missing. Let's see, I lost my fried dough, Zack shot himself, I found out Zack is gay, and the quarterback was sacked badly.



Our Team...

Short and skinny....


I screamed and pounded the cold hard parking lot cement beneath me. This might be the night I lose 2 of my bestfriends. Sooner or later I decided I had to get up and call Katie. This was going to be rough.

I texted her: Hey meet me at the hospital ASAP. Dont ask y just come. its an emergency

She didn't text me back at all. Either she didn't have her phone on or it was dead. As usual, or she could've had dance/field hockey.

Instead of waiting any longer for her to reply I just went into the hospital and demanded to know where my friends are. I shouldn't say demanded, but I wasn't in the state of mind to stay calm. After knowing that Kevin was in room 317 and Zack in room 324, I ran to the stairs instead of going on the elevator. Eventually my breathing problems gave in so I took the elevator inside of the third flight of stairs. Hardly anyone was in the hallways besides me myself and I.

The hallway was silent besides the eerie creeks of my footsteps that echoed the whole hospital floor. Then I peered into Kevin's room to see him laying down as if he was sleeping. Although I knew being pale isn't a good thing, along with multiple needles poking through you. I knocked to see if I would get an answer, "Hello? Is anybody in here?"

A doctor came out and shut the door behind him, showing me his distressed face as he ran threw his hair. He carried a clipboard, and couldn't help but keeping staring at that instead of making eye contact with me. Afterwards the doctor swallowed deeply and said, "Are you related to Zack Star and or Kevin Moore?"

"They're my friends. Are they okay?" I shuddered trying to keep calm in front of this guy. He was fairly young with strawberry blond hair and brown eyes. His jaw clenched and he looked back down at his clipboard.

"We aren't sure if they are going to make it."


Dun-dun-dun dahhhhhhhh

Looks like this is a sad chapter:(

This was really hard to write because.... of something

Awkward enough, I put a song on the side which kind of lightens the mood:)

Also a pic on the side of Sam figuring/ going to figure out the news.


(Copied expression but whatever)

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