Chapter 22: Jesse

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"HOW THE FUCK DARE YOU CHEAT!" Luke yelled at me. I cowered behind Jesse, as he stood to protect me. His body curved around mine, forming a shield of sorts. He entwined his hands around mine, and gave me a reassuring squeeze.

"I didn't Luke- I never even liked you." He growled at me in anger and tried to find a way around Jesse.

"Just back off man." Jesse said calmly. But it didn’t help. Luke came closer and Jesse walked backwards, making me bump into the kitchen bench. Luke punched him in the jaw. Jesse staggered off from the impact, but remained in front of me. I tried to calm him down, but Jesse hit Luke back in the nose, and there was a crack. Blood spurted everywhere.

“JESSE! LUKE! STOP IT!” I screamed I ran in between them and pushed Jesse into the kitchen where he could recover. I didn’t need Jesse to end up in jail. I hoped dad heard and would come running. Luke took a step towards me.

“Em, you kept bailing on me for him.” I gulped nervously. Luke circled me, like a lion stalks his prey. He was very frightening, with the blood dripped from his nose onto the tiles, and a look of wild fury in his brown eyes.

“It’s not what it looks like Luke, I was going to break up with you tonight anyway!” Then Luke swung his fist at me. I ducked and slipped under his legs. Luke wasn’t expecting it, and yelped in surprise.

“Come back here you little c**t.” He said. I cowered in terror. I grabbed my phone and chucked it to Jesse. Hopefully, he understood that I wanted to call for help. Luke took another swing at me and I ducked again. I would be forever grateful to those martial arts classes Dad made me take when I was younger. But I still wasn’t quick enough. Luke slapped his hand over my head and I fell to the ground again. A shot of pain was renewed from when I got hit around in the twins, and I curled up in a defenceless ball, positive that Luke was going to kill me for sure. Tears filled my eyes and I began to ball my eyes out. Luke seemed to come to his senses, and approached me cautiously. His eyes were once again kind and caring, but I still flinched as he took a careful step towards me, not wanting to surprise me, or make me injure myself even more.

“I’m so sorry Emilee.” He knelt over me and then Maxi and Dad burst in through the door. Maxi grabbed Luke and pushed him out, uttering words that I dare not repeat. Dad rushed towards me and cradled my head in his arms. Jesse, who had crawled from the couch to the floor, where whoever he called would have been able to hear the fight, groaned in pain and Maxi helped him up. Jesse came over to me and stroked my head. I continued to cry, wanting all the pain and memories of Luke to just disappear. Maxi handed me some pain killers, and sat next to me as well.

“You’re safe now Nals.” Jesse and Maxi both whispered to me and the tears stained my bruised head.

Dad cleaned up the blood on our heads, and Maxi cleaned up the floor, disposing of all evidence there had even been a fight. Jesse recovered faster than I did, and he, dad and maxi helped lift me onto the couch. I curled up in dad and Jesse’s arms whilst Maxi made some tea. They turned on the TV, and the buzz of late night news hummed in the background.

“It’s going to be ok, Nals.” Dad reassured me. I stopped crying, and drank the tea that Maxi brought in. We sat in silence, trying to recover from what had just happened. Jesse’s jaw was very swollen, and my head was pounding, but with the painkillers, we should be okay. The throbbing of my head, was steadily receding, but I wanted it to go away fully. Honestly, I felt as though I had the world’s worst hangover from a night of non-stop drinking and partying, which was definitely not the case.

“I want to go to bed.” I declared. Dad kissed my cheek and maxi hugged me, and then they left for dad’s apartment. I think Maxi was going to sleep on his couch for the night. Jesse helped me to my room. I pulled on my pyjamas, and climbed into bed. Jesse was about to leave, but I stopped him.

“Jesse, can you stay?” he nodded and got into bed with me, wrapping his arms around my body. Carefully I turned to face him. I got closer to his face, and locked my lips with his. He deepened the kiss, and I made sure I was gentle, so that I wouldn’t hurt my beloved Jesse Polock. His tongue vied for entrance and I allowed it. I ran my fingers through his hair and he pressed his body into mine. After about 3 minutes, we pulled apart, taking in air.

“Jesse, I really like you. From the moment I set eyes on you.” He laughed and playfully nibbled on my ear.

“Me too Emilee.” We began to kiss again, and the feeling you get of instant love washed over me, and I knew why fate had brought Jesse and me together. We clicked together like two pieces of a puzzle. Jesse was my other half, and now I knew that we were meant for each other. I pulled Jesse’s shirt off and he smiled. I blushed, and ran my hands over his abs through our kiss. Jesse took off my shirt, leaving me in my bra. We kissed, but never went any further. I didn’t want to, but I think Jesse was having mixed emotions about the whole thing. I was still a virgin, but I am sure that he wasn’t- he probably turned the head of every girl he walked past. This was also my first kiss.

“Should we...” Jesse asked. I shook my head.

“Let’s save it. But Jesse, this was my first kiss” He chuckled.

“I’m happy it was with me Nals, but you’re not going to go all ‘only after marriage’ on me are you?” I laughed nervously as he ran his hands down my thighs and nibbled on my ears.

“Of course not!” I exclaimed. “But not tonight, after what’s happened.” Jesse turned my face to his.

“Really?” I sighed. He was teasing me too well, giving me the biggest puppy dog eyes ever. His blue eyes gleamed in the darkness of my room.

“Yes!” he whined but listened to me, and wrapped his hands around my waist. We fell asleep together, and I dreamt of what this relationship would bring me. Bliss- complete and utter bliss.

so guys, how did you like it? 

its about to get steamy now :) xx

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