Chapter 37 "Wrecking Ball"

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Austins pov~

"I was going to do it." I said pacing around Alex's bedroom. He was laying on his bed throwing a ball in the air then catching it.

"Why didnt you? It was perfect." He said, I continued pacing. I could feel his eyes now starring at me.

"I... I dont know. It just didnt happen." I said, he gave me that bullshit look.

"Okay im not stupid. Your my best friend, somethings up. What happened?" He asked me, I stopped then looked at him.

" not sure I dont remember." I said trying to remember what happened. He gave me a spectical look.

"Look Jessie and I snuck into a bar the other night, no harm no faul. I took a sip then the next thing I knew was I was knocked out. I remember bits and pieces of that night but not
Much. Alls I remember was a girl talking to me. Thats all I remember." I said, I was guilty but I didnt do it. I know that if Rebecca finds out shes going to kill me... but I have to tell her.

"Your ass is grass" Alex said horrified. "Ill start planning the funereal now." He took out his phone and started to mess with it.

"Seeiously.? What do I do?" I said, scared of loosing Becca.

"Tell her now" With that he started pushing me out the door.

"Bye Alex love you to man." I said sarcastically. I turned around to see him looking out the window at me flicking me off. I drove to the house and walked inside, I was running around the house looking for her when I finally found her in my bedroom. I stood in the doorway watching her dance to Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus.

"Baby" I sighed walking up to her. She stopped and smiled at me. I slowly watched the smile on her face fade as she probably seen the hurt look on my face.

"Whats wrong Austin.." She said backing up. I could tell she was scared, I wasnt sure why. I was mad at myself for going out and letting myself get in that position. I dont get why the anger would come out on my face.

"I have to tell you something.. Something serious." I said sternly. She looked at me as my eyes started to burn of tears.

"Jessie and I snuck into a bar the other night and we were at a bar, I took a drink and then I blacked out." I looked at her as tears streamed down her face. She knew where this was going.

"I didnt know what was happening, All I remember is little parts if the night. There was a girl talking to me. That was it.. I.. I dont remember the rest... I'm sooo sorry baby I di-" I said tears running down my face.

"SHUT UP! Im not dealing with this again! Austin dont get me wrong I love you but I dont think your ready to have this baby. I...I think we need a break. For real this time.." she said softly. She was crying then she pushed past me, with that she left. I didnt
Chase after her because I knew she needed a break. She needed to breathe. I layed down in my bed grabbing one of her sweatshirts, then fell asleep.


I cant believe him. What was he thinking. What was Jessie thinking.? I dont even know where im going to go. I dont have anybody else. Besides Sarah but I cant see Austin. I took out my phone and called the airport.

"Hello.?" I heard a males voice on the other end. Am I seriously doing this.?

"Hi can I have 1 ticket to California.?" I said, I was still crying but it didnt matter I didnt care.

"Yes ma'am your flights at 9:00 tonight." He said happily.

"Thanks." I said hanging up. It was 6 now so I have a few to talk to Sarah. So I made my way to her house.

"You know... he would never do anything to hurt you right." Sarah said holding me as I cried on her shoulder.

"He did. If he didnt go out that wouldnt have happened, now Im going far away. I cant keep getting hurt like this." I said sitting up and wiping my tears. Alex walked in with Austin.

"Bye Sarah Ill see you in a few months." I gave her a hug and slight smile. I walked by Austin who looked like he'd been crying. There was still tears streaming down his face. His actions hurt us. Am I over reacting.?

"Bec where are you going.?" Alex asked making me turn around. I looked between him and Austin.

"Nun of yours." Then I walked out, to catch my plan. I had Sarah grab my things and bring them to me. Then I was off the Cali starting a new life.


"Where is she going.?" Austin asked me, I looked at him with uncertainty.He was torn, both of them were. And it kills me that I cant do anything about it.

"I..I dont know she didnt say where." I said lowly. He looked at me then anger filled his face.

"DAMNIT! I NEED TO GO AFTER HER! I NEED TO FIX THINGS! SHE CANT RAISE MY CHILD BY HERSELF! I CANT LIVE WITHOUT HER!" Austin screamed, he continued storming threw my apartment punching the walls and screaming. Tears were still streaming down his face. I wish I could help him, them. Everyone knows there ment to be together.

"Austin I think you need to go write a song or something, your scaring me." I said not meaning to out like a bitch but seriously he was.

"Com'on man you need to chill." Alex said backing me up. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"CHILL? CHILL?! You know what Alex, you'd be acting the same way if you lost Sarah. I just lost everything! everything Ive ever loved!" Austin said falling to his knee's then scrunching
Up into a ball. He covered his eyes because he was crying. Sobbing.

"You have a point man.." Alex shook his head in agreement. I walked up to Austin and wrapped my arms around him, he leaned over and started crying in my shoulder.

"You can still call her, and because of the pap you'll know where she is and if shes okay." I said trying to calm him down.

"Give me a pen and paper now." Austin said sternly. Alex jumped and grabbed what Austin had asked for. I slowly backed away watching his hand write the words to what will probably be his next hit. Alex and I took out our phones and started calling Becca nom stop trying to contact her. Then Austin joined in. He was sending her texts and leaving voice mails hoping she would respond or call back.

"I know she bought a one way ticket somewhere. I brought her stuff to the airport. " I said looking Alex in the eyes.

"Soo shes probably on a plane. Which means the pap are gonna be at the airport." Alex said looking me in the eyes.

"Which means we'll know where shes at." I sighed in relief. Austin was still writing the tears were still streaming down his face. The paper was soaked.

"Austin why dont you go home and get some rest.? Alex will drive you." I said sweetly. Austin looked up at me, breaking my heart with the look in his eyes. I couldnt explain the look. But if I could it would be pure heart break.


As I was getting off the plane, paparazzi were everywhere. Fuck. They were throwing questions in my face like "Wheres Austin?" "did the perfect couple finally break up?" "Are you a run away stripper.?" I ignored them and continues walking. I grabbed my bags then made my way to the cab. I looked at my phone to find 50 missed calls and 25 texts. Only 20 of the calls were from Sarah and Alex the rest from Austin, so were the texts. I have 10 voice mails probably from Austin. I wasnt ready to read them. Ill wait till I can handle it. Once I got to a hotel I got a room then settled down. I decided to call back Sarah just to tell her I was safe.

"Hello?" Sarah said on the other line.

"Hey safe" I said, I could hear Austins voice in the background saying "is that her?" "can I talk please" "i love her tell her that"

"Alright. Well stay safe Ill talk to you later." Sarah said sighing. She was probably trying to get Austin to shut up.

"Alright bye." I said hanging up. It felt good to hear his voice. But I could hear how hurt he was. That killed me, why did I walked away. Maybe I just need to rest. So I layed down and cried myself to sleep.

I woke up with shootin pains in my stomach. I started to cry remembering I dont have Austin to help me anymore. I have to start taking care of myself now. He was so good to me. He was always taking care of me. I will always love him. No matter what.

I decided Ill listen to my voice mail just to hear his voice. I grabbed my phone and started listening. "Becca baby please, im so sorry. I didnt mean to, I didnt know. I fucked up. I want to help you please. I love you." Thats pretty much what all the voice mails said.

I went out and went shopping. I had to get my mid off if everything. I walked the starbucks down the street and went and sat in there. I ordered my usual, as I put head phones in a took my seat. I just need to relax. But then my phone started to ring epically. It was Sarah.

"Hello?" I said into the phone as I heard a heavy breathing.

"BECCA! Austins missing!" She screamed in my ear. I froze, I didnt really seem to care about anything at the moment. I hung up the phone and walked over to the bed. I gripped one of the pillows and screamed in it. "I cant be without him. I need him. This is all fault." I cried, I fell to my knees banged my head against the wall and stayed like that for I dont know how long.


Heeey guys! im so sorry about not updating. Ive got midterms next week. ugh.

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Where'd Austin go?

What is Becca going to do with her life now.?

Are Austin and Becca going to fix things.?

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