Chapter 14 "What Happened?"

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I was sitting at the camp fire with Jessie and everyone else enjoying myself. Austin and Rebecca have been doing there own thing the whole times we've been here. Thats good because all the girls here wanted Austin. Except me of course. I seen Rebecca walked away from Austin, I knew she was drunk.

The Austin followed behind her, then Tiffany popped up out if no where. It looked like she was hitting on him. He started to walk away then she grabbed his hand. I was just watching how Austin took this situation. Tiffany put her hands in his ab's he looked down, swatted her hands away, then left her on the beach embarrassed. Good job Austin. I had to ask him about it next time I seen him. After all we did tell each other everything.

Honestly I wish I had a relationship like Austin and Rebecca. There perfect together, and you can tell there in love. They do everything together, they never leave each others sides. Its so cute. There gonna be moving to Miami soon. Which mean im gonna be stuck here with my boyfriend, the player by myself. Great.

~ The Next morning~

"Hey Austin whats happened with Tiffany last night.?" I asked curiously.

"Nothing, she was trying to get at me but I wouldnt let her, I dont want her. I love Becca." He said, I felt my heart drop. Honestly I wish I was dating hi instead of this loser Jessie. Hes a player, hes broke my heart atleast 2 times already. But im happy Becca has him.

"Okay I believe you." Then I hugged him.

I went into the kitchen just in time to hear Tiffany talking shit about Rebecca. "Shes such a whore, I walked in on them this morning she was all over him gross, what does he see i that fat ass hag.?" She said to Drew.

"Excuse me.? What did you just say about Becca.? There in love, they dont need you fucking it up. You selfish bitch." With that i tackle her and started punching. You dont talk shit about Rebecca. Im usually the girly girl. Becca always fights for me. Im just returning the favor.

I felt Jessie pulling me off of her then Jessie got yanked back and on the ground fighting also. "Amber stop" i heard Becca's voice say. She pulled me off, but Tiffany took this chance to punch Becca. That was a BIG mistake. Becca jumped over me got on top of Tiffany and started beating the shit out of her. Tiffany grabbed a beer bottle, and swung it at Becca but she ducked so instead it hit me. Then everything went black for awhile.

I woke up a few minutes later. Rebecca was in the other room I could hear her. Drew was over me then screamed "Shes up no need to go to the hospital!"

"Wheres that bitch.!?" Im kill her.!" I said in a harsh voice. Becca and Austin just left I heard the door shut. So Jessie and me went for a walk. We made out some, and went on some rides. I knew he was checking out other girls I was used to it.

"Jessie... I have something I need to talk to you about." I said grabbing his hand.

"What is it" He forgot what he was saying cause he was checking out some girl.

"STOP THAT! Stop checking out other girls right infront of me. Im your girlfriend you should be checking me out. No drooling over all these other girls." I said seriously.

"Sorry, i know your my girlfriend, just sometimes the dick wants what the dick wants. And that girl was fine."

"Are you kidding me Jessie.!? I wish you were like Austin sometimes! Gosh.!"

"Im sorry baby, you know I love you." He said kissing me.

"I love you to." I said back to him. I dont know why I keep getting caught in his trap but I do. Thats a bad thing. But Im in love with him so I put up with it. We went back to the house and sat down, talked for alittle but.

Austin and Rebecca came running in saying "We have to go now, Austins gotta be in Miami first thing in the morning by." They grabbed there stuff then left.

"How are jessie and me gonna get home.?" I ran towards the door as I asked them.

"Take a train sorry bye love ya." Becca screamed. Ugh great now Im stuck here with Jessie the man whore also my boyfriend and Tiffany. Fml.



"STOP THAT.!" Was All I comprehended out of everything Amber said.

"Im sorry but the dick wants what the dick wants I cant help it." I said.

She said something else but this really hot girl walked by so I zoned out.

"Im sorry baby I love you." I said. I knew it was a lie but she didnt. I kissed her, she was so easy to please. She didnt know that when she was taking a shower I fucked Tiffany. Hell yea. Tight as hell. Thats one bad bitch.

The real bad bitch I want is Rebecca. "I wish you were like Austin" Amber said in my face. That pissed me off. What the hell. Theres a reason im not Austin. I get all the pussy while he gets eather nun or just one. I get at his fans, he gets at Rebecca. But then again.... If I had Rebecca Id only want her too. Wait... I already had her . Wtf. I fucked things up. Ill never get her now. Fuck.

Ambers cute. Yea. Nice body. Yea. But shes too skinny. I want me some

Meat. But I go for the skinny ones cause they give it up. Amber's a great rebound let me tell ya. Obviously im jealous of Austin he has a huge fan base who are full of beautiful women, hes good looking, the eyes, the hair, the abs, most of all he has Rebecca. There not gonna break up any time soon. Kill me now.



Why do you think Jessies with Amber if he likes Becca.?




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