Chapter 24 "Worst Day Ever"

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I felt a naked body next to me. Last night was amazing. The things I feel for this girl is amazing. I dont know what I would do without her. But honestly... The whole Jessie thing is getting to me. The way I reacted was shock. I didnt know what was happening. Honestly I dont even really remember that day, its all a blur.

I opened my eyes to look at Becca. She was laying peacefully next to me when her eyes popped open. Showing me her bug beautiful blue eyes.

"Good morning beautiful." I said kissing her on the forehead. She smiled at me, then kissed my lips.

"Good morning." She said, I got up and out of bed then put my boxers back on. I put some pants on to so my mom wouldnt be suspected of anything. I went down stairs to the smell of bacon, and coffee.

"Good morning mom." I said giving her a smile, I walked up at gave her a hug.

"Good morning hunny." She hugged me back.

"Smells yummy, I think im goin to go for a run before breakfest. Ill be back in about 20." I said walking out of the kitchen, walking into the living room and putting my shoes on.

"Alright hunny be careful." My mom screamed at me.


After Austin got out of bed I got up and took a shower. The was one word that described me, Its sore. No one will understand this feeling until you do it for hours.

I walked downstairs after my shower looking for Austin. He wasnt there. I smelt bacon so I walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning Michele. Wheres Austin.?" I asked her, eyeing the bacon.

"Good morning. He went for a run, he should be back shortly." She said giving me a delicate smile. I walked out of the room, went upstairs and started playing video games. I got bored so thats what I did. I decided to text Amber.

To: Amber

"Heey gurl!"

From: Amber


To: Amber

"Whats up?"

From Amber:

"Nothing, listen I know what you and Jessie did. Were not friends anymore kay.?"


"It was a mistake... Im so sorry, plus this was like 6 months ago..."

From Amber:

"I dont care dont every talk to me again you whore."

To Amber:


Well then... I wasnt expecting that. I figure Austin wasnt coming home soon, so I decided to go for a drive. I dont have my best friend anymore... I fucked up big time. I cant take it back. If I loose Austin over this... I dont know what im going to do. Im greatful he put it aside but still... I cant hurt him like this.

My phone was ringing. Austin.

"Hello.." I said into the phone lowly trying to hid the fact that I was about to cry.

"Hey baby where are you.?" He said, i could hear some worry in his voice.

"Im ju..just driving around. Im going to come home and pick you up we have to talk." I said, a tear running down my face.

"Baby whats wrong.?" I could hear worry in his voice.

"Just be outside." I said hanging up on him. I pulled up and seen Austin standing there. I got out of the car and ran up to him. And hugged him and cried.

"Shuush baby whats wrong.?" He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me close.

"I..i cant Austin I feel like Because of what I did its getting between us. I feel like im huring you. It kills me to think that. That was you look at me reminds me how much you love me. But I know deep down that your hurting because of my mistake... Am..Amber called me to tell me were not friends anymore because of it. I fucked up. Im loosing everyone one I love." I said crying on his shoulder.

"Your not loosing me." Was all he said before he brought me closer to his body. He brought his hand to my face and picked it up, looking straight into my eyes.

"No matter what happens I will always love you. You know this. As your boyfriend its not my job to give up on you threw thick and thin. We might fight sometimes but thats normal. We might make mistakes like that one but no bodys perfect. You cant learn from your mistakes if you dont make then. I love you so much. Ive never thought about leaving you. Dont think like I am. Im staying here to help you through everything. Thats what true love does. No matter how bad the situation the love doesnt break because everything your significant other does is beautiful. Just like you." I could see he was telling the truth. I was crying more. He caressed my face with his thumb before taking my hot wet tears and wiping them.

I could even talk I just staired into his eyes. I was hypnotized. He legit just blew my mind. "Thanks babe." Was all I said before kissing his lips. I walked back into my car he followed and we went to starbucks.

Later that afternoon guess who I ran into... MAX. Fml. I wasnt with Austin, I was on a walk, I didnt know what to do... I took my phone out and texted Austin letting him know what was happening. If you were wondering... Yes something did happen.

"Hey Becca I heard what happened... You and cute little Amber arnt friends anymore. You fucked up you whore. Now your all by yourself. Doesnt it suck having everyone hate you all the time.?" Max commented getting in my face. He popped my bubble I was not okay with this.

"Shut the fuck up Max get away from me." I said walking away before he grabbed my wrist and yanked me hard.

"What dis you just say to me.? Didnt we go threw this before.? Dont tell me what to do." He stated starring me straight in eyes. They were hypnotizing. They screamed im a syco dick head.

"Thats was years ago let that shit go." I said, right then he smacked my face.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU LITTLE SCUMBAG WHORE." He screamed in my face. Punching me.

"What the hell Max stop." I said before he hit me again. I fell to the floor and landed on my side. He kicked my stomach a few time before yelling at me again.

"YOU RATHER BE WITH AUSTIN THEN ME! HES NOT THAT GREAT! I FUCKING LOVE YOU!" He screamed in my face kicking me one last time.

"IF YOU FUCKING LOVED ME YOU WOULDNT BE HITTING ME! AUSTIN DOESNT DO THIS TO ME HES PERFECT!" I screamed getting the strength before he hit me again I kicked him in his nono pipe. I somehow found a way to get up and run. I was crouched over holding my and my nose but I ran as fast as I could to Austin.


"BABY WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED.?!" I screamed worriedly. She texted me telling me she was on her way home it was an emergency but I didnt think it was like this. She walked in holding her stomach and nose blood streaming threw the cracks between her fingers.

"Max happened..." She stated barly able to talk cause of the pain in my jaw. I took Her into the bathroom and he was cleaning up my face.

"Next time I see him.. I swear!" I said beyond pissed. I couldnt believe the sight in front of my eyes. How could he do this to her.?

I had her lay down, but she couldnt go to sleep cause she could have a concision. "Baby you need to stay awake." I said kissing her lips.

"I know im just so tired, can you get me some water please babe." She said, looking at me. There was a welt on her cheek from where Max smacked her. God I swear next time I see him he's dead meat.

"Yea sure" I got up and went into the kitchen. I handed her some water. Then I left her to rest.






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