Chapter 41 'What Hurts the Most

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I woke up with shooting pains going threw my body, I slowly made my way out of bed and into the bathroom. I threw up, then got really hungry. I looked at the clock noticing it was 5 in the morning. I wobbled over to Austin to wake him up.

"Austin" I said shaking him.

"Austin wake up" I continued to shake him. He didnt budge.

"AUSTIN! MY WATER BROKE!" I screamed, he jumped up, grabbing a bag throwing some clothes in it then picking me up, running out of the room.

"What are you doing?" I laughed bouncing as he ran down the hall.

"IM RUNNING YOU TO THE HOSPITAL!" He screamed continuing down the hall.

"Austin... if my water actually broke dont you think the baby would have popped out with you bouncing me on your shoulder?" I laughed, he froze.

"Your telling me your water didnt break?" He put me down.

"No, I was just hungry" I started cracking up like no tomorrow.

"Grrrr" He said walking back towards the room.

"Im sorry, did I wake you from your beauty sleep?" I stuck my bottom lip out. Then started laughing again.

"Yes, YES YOU DID!" He screamed like a little kid.

"Austin can you just get me some food? Im starving." I ran up to him, grabbing him by the arm.

"Fine, I'll get you some food" He threw a hiss fit walking down to the lobby. In the meanwhile waiting for Austin to come back was like waiting for a snail to win a yard race. I decided to watch some Teen Wolf before laying down. Once my eyes finally shut I heard the door open and Austin walking in with a pizza from Dominos.

"I love you" I stated running up to the pizza and grabbing a piece.

"Better" He walked over to the bed and slumped over, plopping onto his stomach. And there I sat like a fat kid that hasnt seen food for 2 hours shoving pizza down my throat. Classic night for me.


"Your on Austin" The news assistant came on disturbing our moment. Austin and I were holding hands looking into each other's eyes for no apparent reason.

"Thats my que baby" He said smiling. I couldnt help but notice how his eyes sparkled when he looked at me.

"AUSTIN NOW! I CAN EASILY KICK YOU OFF MY SHOW." The manager screamed at Austin he gave me a quick peck on the lips before running on stage. He sang Banga Banga and some christmas songs before getting interviewed.

"So Austin... with this baby coming, are you ready? Do you think you'll be a good dad?"

Austin laughed then looked at the camera. "Of corse Im ready, If I wasnt I wouldnt have done it. I..I mean yea I think ill be a good dad. I never had a dad in my life, I promised I would always be there for my kids and my soon to be wife." He smiled then looked at me, making me smile. Its like a chain reaction.

"Whats the name gonna be?"

"We are keeping it on the down low. Im not aloud to say until the babies born. " He looked over at me again. I gave him a goofy look making him laugh.

"Can you at least tell your Mahomies what your plans are after the babies born?"

"Im planning on staying in the studio and putting out a cd or 2. Im going to do a few concerts. But for the most part for the first couple months Im staying home to take care of my family." He started to play with his fingers some. He was almost dont with his interview, but I could tell he was getting anxious.

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