Chapter 4 " This Cant Be Happening"

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Jessie's pov:

I didnt stay at the hospital cause i figured Becca was safe with Austin. Austin called me and told me he went on a date with Rebecca. I need to back off of her fast. Amber cane over to my house when Becca was in the hospital. I didn't expect anything to happen. Nothing happens as planned though.

"Amber what are you doing?" I asked her as she wrapped her legs around my waist.

" kiss me" is all that came from her mouth. I mean I'm not gonna resist.

I kissed her thinking it was only a peck, it turned into full on make out.

She took off my shirt not breaking our kiss. I took hers off then she went for my pants. While she was unbuttoning them i started kissing her neck making her moan. I hit her sweet spot making her moan my name. Biggest turn on ever. She yanked my pants off as she stripped herself. She slid her hands down my chest as i flipped us over so I was on top. Then you know what happened.

After about an hour we both hit our climax. We both laid there trying to catch our breathes as she said "that was amazing" i just shook my head in agreement.

"Rebecca's pov:

I woke up early to go for a morning jog. I stopped at Austin house just to talk to him. I ran up to the house and let myself in as usual. I pretty much lived there remember we are best friends.

"Hello? Austin... Michele.?" I scream through there huge house. "Is anybody home.?" No answer, so I decided to call Austin.

"Hello?" I heard Austin on the other end.

"Heey where are you at, im at your house." I said in a high pitched voice, making it obvious I missed him.

"I was gonna call you later, I thought you were still sleeping, my mom got a call from my manager so we had to fly to Florida as soon as possible. He said his voice getting lower as he told me.

"Ohhh well have fun I guess" i said my voice getting lower. "When are you coming back.?" I asked him

"Becca don't be sad please don't ill be back in a week. He said trying to lighten the mood.

"Why was your front door unlocked then?" I asked him curiously.

"My mom must have forgot to lock it when we left. Can you do that for me please."

"Sure can, Im going to go home, and get ready to leave for the wedding by Austin, be careful and have fun."i said hanging up.


" in the car with my mom"

My mom and me were goofing around and everything in the car as usual. I love my mom. Were like best friends, shes my other half. We got lost in this town and didnt get to a hotel till 4 in the morning. I wake up the next morning to text Austin back watch my mom roll over, she was just sleeping. When I woke up a few hours later my mom was in the same spot rolled over like she was earlier. I started to freak out. I checked for a pulse, jumped on the bed, and put ice on her neck. I even tried screaming. Nothing happened.

I called Amber freaking out. She didnt know what to do,but she started freaking out just as nuch as me.

I ran down to the lobby and got someone to call the cops. I was left there for hours by myself. Yes... My mom had died. Left me, i felt like my world crashed down on me. I cried for hours didnt eat or anything.

I called Austin sobbing. RING. RING. It rang 2 times before he answered. "Hello?." He's calm collected voice was soothing. Chocking out sobs i couldn't even speak. "Becca whats wrong.?" He said worried now.

"Austin my mom she... Died this morning. Im stuck here in this hotel by myself. I need you. I need to hear your voice." I said sobbing.

"Oh my god." MOM WE NEED TO LEAVE ASAP!" I heard hi scream. "Becca im sorry stay calm and stay there im leaving right now." I heard him zipping up his suitcase and a door slamming. "I promise ill be there in a few hours." I will skype you when i get on the plane i promise.

"Ok Austin..." Is all I could say. Before hanging up.

Austin did skype me when he got on the plane. When he landed it only took him 45 minutes to get to me. I fell asleep waiting for him.

"Becca..?" I heard his beautiful voice say as if he was right next to me.

"Becca.... Wake up." He said again.

I suddenly woke up grabbed him and kissed him. Which put both of us in shock. I jumped on him and hugged him, and i soaked his shirt in tears. "Austin... Im so glad your here.. I missed you. I have no place to stay now though." I said sobbing into his shirt.

"Your gonna come back to my house and stay with me for a while." He said calmly into my neck.

"What about your career, and your mahomies.?" I asked him. He looked at me worried and said "they can hold on right now. My Becca needs me more the anything. I have months off to be here with you." He said kissing my cheek.

The drive back to his house was quiet and depressing. He sat in back with me, his arm wrapped around me, comforting me. When we got to his house he carried me to his room and put me in his bed, he laid next to me cuddling me.


I woke up to voice's, it sounded like Austin, Amber and , Jessie. It was almost like all 3 of them were crying.

The bed room door slammed and i seen Jessie walk in. "Look Becca.... Im sorry. I....."

I cut him off. "No, listin... Jessie i cant do this. I don't have feelings for you I like Austin he's been there through so much with me. I don't have feeling for you what we did was wrong and im sorry but you need to go be with Amber and I need to be with Austin. If he even asks me out." I said all in one breath.

He looked at me in shock and walked up to me and gave me a hug. "I understand, I was thinking the same thing. Look I'm here for you, and you know that. Can we still be friends.?" He asked looking me in the eyes.

I shook my head yes then got up to go find Austin. Leaving Jessie in the room all by himself.

"Austin..?" I asked questionably on where he was. "In here Becca." When I found him, I didnt think twice and ran into his arms. "Austin can we talk in private.?"

" Yea Becca you can talk to me any time lets go in my room. He said grabbing my hand and leading me to his room. We sat in his bed not letting go of each others hands.

"Austin... I need to yell you something.". I said looking him in the eyes.

"Becca I do too. Will you go out with me.?" He asked looking desperate. "I...uhh.... Yes." I said awkwardly. "What did u need to tell me.?" He asked curiously.




Heey guys i had to make it more interseting. Once i get to 15 votes im going to start a new story. Ill still be writing this one though. Let me know what you think.

What is Becca gonna tell Austin.?

Was Jessie seriously thinking that or did he just say that so he didn't get between her and austin?


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