Chapter 38 "All On You"

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I went where I could be alone. The one place I thought I would find Becca. I messed up. I shouldnt have gone out. I got a plane ticket to San Antonio, I headed to where Becca and I used to play all the time. The tree house that we used to have balloon fights and sleep overs. The place I have most memories with the love of my life.

I got off the plane and got in the car. I got to my old house and set my stuff down. I went up to my room and fell face first in my bed. It still smelled like her when she would stay the night. Romo came up to me and meowed a few times. I started to pet him when he rolled over. He rolled under me letting me know that I had someone to talk to. He might have been a brat most of the time, but when I was hurt he was always there for me. The best part was that I knew he wouldnt tell anyone.

"Hey buddy" I said to him, he continued to make me pet him. I could hear him purring.

"I missed you" I stated, he continued to purr. Then he started to clean himself.

"Ever since we moved my life starts to get better then I fuck things up." I sighed, the fight between Becca and I came back to mind. I started to cry.

"I miss her so much. This is the only place I knew to go. Everything reminds me of her. Shes beautiful. She has my child inside of her. I thought everything was alright until, that night. Im such a fucking idiot." I said, romo stopped cleaning himself then looked at me. I started to pet him again.

"I need her. Ive never been without her. Shes always been in my life. And now sh..she's gone...just like that. I need to find her I need to fix things. I need to prove to her that I am ready an willing to take care and help her raise this baby. She isnt alone in this. I helped make it." I said Romo started to seat at m hand messing around with me. The my phone started to ring. every since I got off the plane I haven't checked it. I just want to be alone, left to think. I took out my phone to find 30 missed calls from a mix of my mom, Sarah and Alex. The last person that called was Alex. Maybe I should talk to him.

"Hey man where are you!? we've been looking everywhere." Alex said hectically in my ear.

"Dont worry about it. I need to talk to you." I said sternly. I was still crying and Romo was makin me feel alittle better.

"Talk man, thats what Im here for." He said, I could hear him walk into a quieter room.

"What should I do.? Should I continue to chase after her? Should I wait for her to come back.? Should I give her time.?" I asked quickly. I could hear him sigh on the other line.

"Give her time bro that's all any girl needs. She just needs time to think about things. I have to go. see ya man." He said hanging up.

-3 months later-


"Austin Mahone's tour now on sale! His first breakout since the big breakup!" The news casters said on the news. I was doin laundry. I could barley pick anything off the ground my stomach's so big. I was dew in 1 months. I needed help. I couldnt do this alone. I dont know how ive gone this far without Austin. I love him to death but how do you accept that kinda thing.? I grabbed the remote and shut off the tv.

I now lived in a 1 bedroom appartment, with 1 bathroom, and small kitchen and a living room. I made some friends out here. Connor Franta and kian. There youtubers like Alex. They help me out around the appartment and stuff, there really nice. My apparently door flung open "WE HAVE TACO BELL!" My 2 friends screamed. They walked up to me and gave me a hug.

"Yum! How many time have I told you guys to knock so you dont kill me.?!" I said, I hit both of there chests. I told them what happened. So they understand my situation.

Secrets Between Us.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon