Chapter 22 "Surprize Surprize"

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- when they get back from Japan-


Things with Becca and me have been going well. She still beats herself up for what happened with her and Jessie. I chose to forget about it and let it fly. Theres not much I can do about it cause it happened... And he's crippled.

"AUSTIN.! I WANNA GO TO THE FAIR.!" Becca said extremely happily. She ran up to me and jumped into my arms.

"Okay baby we'll go tomorrow. I have to go to the studio today." I said wrapping my arms around her. She had a huge smile on her face, and her eyes glowed like crystals.

"Ehh-hmmm. MAMMA MAHONE COMING INTO THE ROOM." My mom walked in with her eyes closed, with a box of fan letters.

"Mom were not doing anything. Were talking. And why would we do stuff in the kitchen.?" I said, when I realized I kinda just gave it away that we were doing stuff.

"You better not be doing stuff Mr. Ill have to beat both of you." My mom pointed a finger at us. "Hey Rebecca isnt your birthday coming up.?" My mom asked Becca.

"Yes ma'am. In 3 days.! Im excited im going to be 17!" Becca said doing the happy dance. I just realized how fast time is flying by.

"What would you like.?" My mom asked her. This could give me some really good ideas.

"My mom. Dont get me wrong I love living with you guys and thank you for letting me. But I miss her. Alot.." Becca said looking at my mom. She walked up to het and hugged her.

"Well hunny your welcome here anytime." My mom said with a smile then walked out of the room.

"Are you ready.?" I asked her.

"Yes.!" She started to jump alittle then grabbed my hand and ran for the door.


"What do you wanna ride baby." I asked wrapping my hands around her waist as we walked. I pulled her VERY close to me. I could see all these guys eyeing her so I had to show them who she belonged to.

"That one.!" She pointed to a ride that flips upside down, it looked like fun.

"Do you wanna play a game.?" She asked me while we were walking back to the car.

"Ahah sure what game.?" I asked her. My feet were starting to hurt from walking so much. I won Becca 3 stuffed animals.

"Im going to give you an amount of money and you have to name that many things about me you like." She said grabbing my hand. We went to the lake and sat there while I waited for her to give me a number.

"$15 dollars." She said scooting closer to me. She laid her head in my lap so when I looked at her I had to look down.

"1) the way you make me feel, 2) the way your lips feel on mine, 3) your eyes, 4) the way they sparkle when you smile at me. 5) your smile 6) your giggle 7) the way your hand fits in mine perfectly. 8) how you strut your curves. 9) your the most beautiful girl on this planet. 10) the way you say my name. 11) how your competitive but loving at the same time. 12) how you like to do the sane things I like to do. 13) your personality is the greatest thing about you. 14) how we can talk about everything and anything. Last but not least 15) the way you make me love you, how when Im with you the butterflies never go away. The way you make me feel... Even I cant explain." I kissed her. I looked down to see her eyes watering.

"AWWW BABE.!" She said looking at me. "You wanna go swimming.?" She asked me suductively.

"Yea" we stood up and stripped our clothes then went into the water. Her legs were wrapped around my waist when she said.." You know.. Theres nothing I could want for my birthday. I have everything I want right here. You." Then she kissed me. We were already naked when she moved her hips so I was in her. Because we were skinny dipping. We were about to thrust our hips into eachother when we got interrupted by the cops.

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