The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

(Mia’s POV)

     I slowly emerged from my bedroom, knowing that Wyatt was bound to get impatient if I didn’t make an appearance soon. As I started to descend down the stair, the smell of mouth-watering food hit. I could feel and hear my tummy rumbling, I still hadn’t eaten since waking up. It hadn’t really bothered me until now; I hadn’t really noticed how hungry I was. I quickly hurried towards the kitchen, my hunger worsening as I went. I had never known hunger like it. It was almost as though I had never eaten in my life. As I ran through the door I skidded to a stop when I saw the feast laid out in front of me. I had never seen so much in my life, there was every kind of breakfast food you could possibly think of. I couldn’t believe how good it all looked; it was like seeing food for the very first time. I licked my lips as I slowly crept towards the food. The sound of someone chuckling, from the other side of the room, broke my focus.

     “Hungry by any chance?” Wyatt said as I turned to face him.

     “Is it that obvious?” I asked.

     “You wear acting like an animal stalking its prey.” He laughed, making feel uneasy. “I liked it.” He continued.

He slowly walked towards me and ran his fingers down my arm, sending a shiver down my spine.

      “I guess my hunger just took over. Sorry.” I replied, trying to act unaffected.

     “Don’t apologise, like I said I liked it. I find this animalistic side of you very attractive. You never know my dear, there might be hope you yet.” He said as he led me to my seat.

     “What do you mean that there might be hope for me yet?” I asked, confused by his last statement.

     “There’s hope for you to still shift of course.” He replied laughing slightly. “It would be much better to have an alpha female who can shift after all.” He continued as he sat down opposite me and grabbed his drink.

I picked up a glass of orange juice and pretended to sip it, trying to hide my discomfort.

     “Alpha female?” I asked.

     “Well you are full of question this morning my sweet.” He said looking at me, with a look in his eyes I couldn’t quite figure out.

     “Sorry.” I apologised again.

     “Don’t apologise, an alpha female need not apologise. In answer to your question, you are mine now and I intend for you to rule by my side.” He said smiling at me.

I could feel the blood draining from my face, my stomach churned with disgust. This could only mean one thing he was planning on marking me and… and…and. I can’t even bring myself to think what else he wanted to do to me. I could feel my body slowly turning ice cold with fear. Distracting him could be harder then I first imagined, my only hope was that he took his time with me.

     “A penny for your thoughts?” I suddenly heard him ask.

     “I was just thinking how good the food looked. Did you cook all of this yourself.” I said trying not look at him.

     “No.” he said laughing. “I never cook; I got some of the females to prepare our feast.” He continued, his voice dripping with arrogance.

     “Where is everyone?” I asked curious as why I hadn’t seen anyone around the house.

     “I ordered everybody to leave the house and the clearing today, well except for the guard watching over our prisoners. I wanted us to have some quality time together, to get to know each other better.” He replied leaning in closer to me.

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