Entry#11: The Cats

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Once, there were three cats in the Collins' home sweet home. They were Catlee, Catleen, and Catleena. They secretly disliked their given names.

“Would Lara be pleased to be called Humanlara?” Catleena mumbled her reasoning. With that, they began to address each other with yet still, their given names but excluding Cat.

Lee, Leen, and Leena were inseparable. They adored each other, even more than they adored Lara. Sure, they were very much grateful with every drop of milk and every piece of food the girl was giving them but still, their love for one another was stronger... until that one unfaithful day entered the door and moved things out of their shelves.

Jealousy, envious, hatred, and similar emotions were felt in the Collins' home sweet home. They were too powerful and never hesitant to destroy such friendship, such love, such camaraderie...


The unfaithful day…

“Leen, Leena, howdy, buddies!” Lee cheerfully approached her friends.

“Ain’t ‘buddies’ for male?” Leena, not so equally enthusiastic, responded.

“Where did you and Lara go?” Leen asked on the other hand.

“Oh…” Lee’s eyes became dreamy; they were both sparkling with glee. “We went to Mr. Handsome and then on the park. I met a cool buddy; he was charming just like his owner. Lara and his owner were friends.” Mr. Handsome was their vet. They called him that for obvious reasons.

“Seems like fun,” Leen muttered.

“But why did Lara leave me and Leen? Aren’t we supposed to see Mr. Handsome as well?” Leena couldn’t help but speak the thought both she and Leen have in mind.

Lee did not think it was a big deal. “I’m sure she’ll take the two of you one of these days.”

“That would definitely happen!” seconded Leen though if she’ll be honest, those words wouldn’t come out her mouth.

Lara went out of her room and took Lee in her arms. “I know you’re tired too, Catlee. Let’s sleep, sweetheart.”

Leen and Leena heard what their owner had said. They couldn’t help but feel sad. This was the very first time they felt unnoticed by Lara. It seemed that the girl had finally decided which among them, three Cats, was her favorite.


Lee used to lead Leen and Leena. She taught them how fun balls of knitting yarn can provide them, she warned them that chasing a laser light was no fun and made them only look like a bunch of fools. In other words, Lee was the wisest among the three and even with the fact that they were all the same age, Lee had seem to obtain such wisdom of an older cat.

Leen and Leena looked up to Lee. They believed in anything she said. They followed her unquestionably. There's no doubting that both of them trust Lee with all their beating heart and fine whiskers.

But if people have the rights to change, such argument that would propose that cats don’t have any will be plainly invalid.

Leen and Leena have been keen observers of what was happening in the Collins’ home. They were more than aware of the extra kindness, extra affection, extra attention, extra drop of milk, and extra food Lara and her family were bestowing upon Catlee.

And when that unfaithful night mixed up with the cold and humid air that seeped through the windows of their home, Leen and Leena had made up their mind. Seeing Lee sleeping with Lara on their owner’s comfy bed, they’ve decided that they can no longer stand being inferior, taken for granted, and no longer loved.

Leen and Leena left the Collins’ home. They thought it was the most righteous move but actually, it was the other way around.


After two days of being away from home, Leen and Leena were found. They’ve gone a couple of streets away but that did not hinder Lara from finding them. When the two cats had seen the crystal clear liquid coming from their beloved Lara’s eyes, they instantly felt both relieved and regretful. They were glad and relieved to know that Lara still loved them and that same knowledge, made them feel regretful.

When they were finally home, both cats started running here and there the house, both were searching, both were anticipating a reunion with their other friend and both of them were ready to extend their apologies.

But the truth came out. It was like an ugly, unbearable beat that would make you cover both of your ears and scream at the top of your lungs to minimize the drum-wrecking noise. Instead of the truth setting Catleen and Catleena free, it kicked them on a cage of full remorse.

Upon knowing their friend’s fate, Catleen and Catleena began to run like as if they were being chased by splashes of water ready to kiss their fur. They ran with tears in their eyes, tears that were synonymous to the word useless. Those liquid—often hot and salty—cannot do or fix anything. Likewise, they cannot bring back one sweet Cat's life.

On the Collins’ backyard, there lay the body of the deceased cat.

Apparently, Catlee, the wisest among the three, caught a bad luck. She had a heart disease. That was the very reason of her frequent visits with Mr. Handsome and the extras Lara and her family was giving her. On the night Leen and Leena had gone away, Lara knew it was Lee’s last day so she made Lee sleep with her on her bed not knowing that her action would trigger the other two Cats’ jealousy.

Catlee, being a selfless cat she was, didn't really want her friends to know about her sickness. She was excepting them from feeling a great amount of pain. But alas, Lee was very unfortunate for she had lost her friends even before they had lost her.


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