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Hey, guys. I decided to write a poem. Hope you enjoy it.

Dedicated to BoopBoopOakley , HaleyIsUnavailable , ptxforevs , and RoseGoldHeart. I love the four of you so much.

Also dedicated to Superfruit_IsLife. This series would have not been possible without her.:)

Also, this is based on how I felt about the series. I'm sorry if it offends anyone.

WARNING: Triggering

Back when it was fall and leaves were falling
A girl had a brilliant idea and she could not stop smiling
This idea was inspired by someone who is the queen of writing
And the other girl couldn't wait, she was practically dying

After getting permission from this queen, the girl began to write
She wrote when the night was dark to when the day was light
She had feelings, of course, that gave her such a fright
She was afraid of people that will judge her and bite
In no time, however, people began to read in delight
The girl was excited, her eyes widening at people being polite

She knew that would be people that would not hesitate to hit
But this was was her dream and she knew it was fit

Soon one turned to turn to two and two to three
This girl was happy and living more of her dream
Every idea came to her like it was a beam
The girl was excited and she wanted to scream

However, when three turned to four
The girl couldn't help but notice that there was no more
She said this multiple of times, but people kept on knocking on her door
She didn't know what to say, she didn't want to be a bore
She felt like she was falling and she was waiting to hit the floor
The dream turned into a nightmare, one were her and her mind were poor

She wanted to cry
She wanted to lie
She wanted to die

She knew the true meaning of stress
The stress was like a tight dress
Her mentality was a mess
But that did not stop her any less

She gave her readers more even when she felt sad
She knew if she didn't, her readers would be mad
If she heard earlier the advice her friends had
She wouldn't have to feel like she was becoming a fad

After talking to these friends, they helped her through the mess
They helped her get rid of the stress dress
And promised to protect her if anyone gave the dress of stress

She then realized without a five
All her readers will still be alive
So she decided to take a dive
And wished she said this live

She decided to end her dream
She saw her skies turn blue and her grasses green
She was finally experienced happiness and avoided those who were mean
And guess what, all?

That girl is me.

And she couldn't be more thankful for the queen and her friends
Because they are the reason why she found happiness again

A/N: Well, I hope that you all enjoyed the poem and remember that I love you all.:)


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