× Chapter 50 ×

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"Hey, what's up?" I ask Jessie trying to cheer myself up

"I have a surprise for you" she says

"What is it?" I ask with half a smile

"Let me show you" she says and starts walking. I walk with her. She even went behind the tent. I stand there, still looking at the dance floor in the distance.

"Turn around." She says with a smile.

"Why, what is the-" I was laughing, but when I turned around I froze in place.

Simon was there.

He was just standing there in front of me.

He looked at me with his blue eyes and my heart skipped a beat.

"I'll let you two talk" Jessie said touching my shoulder for comfort and courage. She walked away and there was only me and him.

In one moment I honestly forgot how to breathe. I still feel like I'm going insane and that none of this is real.

I couldn't help but stare. His blue eyes were deeply focused on me.

After a few seconds I finally realised he was holding one simple red rose. He had his blue collared shirt on that suited him really well.

"Happy..." he says

"Simon..." I finally manage to talk. I can feel the tears forming in my eyes.

"I'm so sorry, I-I honestly don't know what to say..." I finally admit

After a few moments of dull silence he says:

"Don't you ever leave like this again, Happy."

He hugged me...after all that he could've done.

He could've screamed

And yelled at me...

But he just hugged me.

His body crashed against mine and I felt so alive.

He is hugging me, this is actually real. I bring him closer to my body tightly. I start to tear up, I just can't hold it in.

"I'm so sorry. I know I fucked up so much." I say still crying

"It's okay now." He says as he is running his fingers through my hair. I bury my head in his chest.

After a while he says:

"Don't be that person that always cries at weddings" he says and giggles.

I chuckle looking into his eyes.

"Do you forgive me?" I ask now being serious.

In that exact moment he pressed his lips onto mine.

He kissed me softly and gently.

I was craving for his kiss for so long.

It still feels the same and it's such an god damn beautiful feeling

We pull away.

"I'll take that as a yes" I say and we giggle.

I kiss him back. We move our lips in sync slowly, appreciating every single second.

He rested his forehead on mine.

"I thought you wouldn't wait." I say

"You know I always wait for something that counts." He says and hands me the rose.

I smile.

"I love you Happy" he says

"I love you too Simon" I quietly say and hug him, and he holds me in his arms.

I missed him so much.


We sat on the wooden edge behind the wedding tent. We were talking about everything we've missed on about each other. I was still holding the rose he gave me.

I laid down letting myself go around his arms and he gave me a few kisses on the neck every once in a while. I stared at the stars. 

"Are you coming back to London?" he asks me

"Yeah now that um has a strong support by her husband I feel relieved I don't have to stress about it." I say

After a few moments I say:

"So you probably know what was happening with me for the past few weeks.." I say

"Jessie told me everything last two days. Violet called her and asked her to bring me to the wedding." He says

"Wow." I say. I am very grateful Violet decided to help me.

"Before she told me, I actually thought you moved on..you know by seeing you with that guy. But I kept waiting for you. I heard it was thundering here, and I got scared for you, and myself. I was afraid someone else was keeping you calm and safe from the thunders." he admits. Tears started forming in my eyes.

"The thought of you kept me feeling safe." I say and continue

"and I was hoping you would wait,you know..." I admit.

After hearing the slow song come up from the dance floor, he stood up.

"Let's dance now." he says with a smile.

I stood up and held his hand.

We went to the dance floor. Jessie and Chris were dancing, so were Chad and Violet. 

We got close to each other,letting our bodies touch. I wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his arms tightly around my waist. I bring him closer to me, smiling a bit.

Violet and Jessie smiled at me, their eyes sparkled, being so full of life.

I noticed my mum. She was almost crying out of happiness, she really looked relieved and happy everything has worked out for me.

We move slowly, appreciating every second. 

I love this human so much. It's finally time to start again. Stronger than ever.

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