× Chapter 11 ×

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(Next morning)

I wake up slowly opening my eyes.I can still feel his strong arms hugging me.It's still warm.I don't move at all,I want to appreciate this beautiful moment.

Now I'm sure this isn't a dream.

I close my eyes again.
I peacefully fall asleep again.


It all flew by seconds.I don't know If I was half awake or asleep.

Now his phone buzzing woke me up,this time woke us both up.

Then after few seconds he moved,answering his phone.I turn around and sit up.He is sitting on the edge of the bed.


"Hey man where are you?" I hear someone say on the other line.I believe it's JJ

"Don't worry,I'm fine.I'll be home soon."

I can't hear the rest so I only hear Simon say:

"It's a long story.I'll be home soon okay?

"Bye" he adds and hangs up

"Sorry" he says smiling to me.

His morning voice really belongs to his morning blue eyes.

"It's okay" I say

We get up together.He's about to leave.I feel

"Thanks for being here last night" I say

"You know you can call me anytime." he says and touches my shoulder.I can feel how distant he is trying to be

"Are you sure you're okay?" he asks me

"Yes,thanks" I say hugging him

"See you soon?" he says standing outside my front door

"Of course" I say and kiss his cheek

"Bye Happy" he says

"Bye" I say smiling.

I close the door behind me.I throw myself on the bed.

The pillow is still warm,and I can smell his presence.

It's amazing how this human can help me.

I feel so connected to him.

And I haven't even kissed him yet.

Soon,I hope.

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