× Chapter 48 ×

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(Day before the wedding)

Everything was ready for the big day. It is now all prepared and mum and her future husband look happier than ever.

And that makes me smile.

I look at my dress for tomorrow. It is a simple dark blue short lace dress.

A part of me is still waiting for Simon, even if it feels he gave up.

I get up and went to Violet's room to see if she prepared her dress for tomorrow.

I walk into her room. She jumped a bit when she saw me, and quickly said to the phone:

"I have to go, bye.." she hangs up

"Hey Ness" she says quickly

"Who were you talking to?" I ask her

"Chad" she whispered with a smile.

I smile at her.

"Your dress is ready for tomorrow yeah?" I ask

She nods.

"Okay, just checking." I say and leave her room. I went downstairs to talk to mum. She was sitting outside in the backyard,smoking a cigarette, alone with a smile.

I open the door

"Hey mum" I say

"Hey honey." She says smiling inviting me to sit next to her. I sat down on the wooden bench

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" I ask her with a huge smile

"I'm so ready." She says still smiling. She inhales a smoke

"I'm so happy you're in love finally." I say

"And you can say that word now?" She asks me about saying the word happy.

"Yeah, I guess so. I'm in a stage of forgiving myself." I say looking up to the sky. It's been such an amazing weather after that thunderstorm.

"I'm going to miss you Happiness." She says looking at me

"I will call you this time" I say

"I'm so happy that you and Violet will finally have a real loving man in the house." I add

She smiles.

"I am as well. And
I'm even more happier that you will call me" she says

"And visit you" I add

She kisses my forehead

"Thank you mum for everything" I say and she hugs me.

"Am I interrupting a cheesy moment?" Violet asks opening the door.

We laugh

"Come sit with us" I say and she quickly walked to us and sat down. I was in the middle so They hugged me from both sides.

We laughed for a while until I remembered I had to message Jessie to say when exactly she should be here.

I start sending her a text

H: Hey, the wedding ceremony starts at 7 p.m. tomorrow so you should be here at 6:30 p.m. so we can talk and stuff until the start of the ceremony. I hope you won't be late...see ya

P.S. Chris is so excited to meet you ;)

I lied at the end just so I can create more of her interest for him

I chuckle at my own text. After a while she replies:

J: lol. I can't wait...don't worry I won't be late.

I feel so happy for my mum. She really deserves this.


(The wedding day)

I wake up finally realising what day it is. After two long weeks it's finally my mum's wedding.

I turn my alarm off and sit up.

Just few seconds later my sister knocks on my door

"Ness? Are you awake?" She asks whispering.

She opened the door and looked at me with a smile

"Hey Violet" I say still rubbing my eyes

"Where's mum?" I ask

"Downstairs. She is really excited and we should help her now" she says

"Sure. I'll be there in a minute" I say

She left my room and I got dressed.

I went downstairs and saw my mum in a quite rush.

She hugged me.

"Do you need any help?" I ask giggling

"No, I think everything is set up at the location" she says

She is getting married in a lovely park of some sort. It's really nicely decorated that is used just for weddings.

"Nice" I say

"The hairdresser should be here in about 20 minutes" mum says looking at her watch. I check my phone to see it's actually 4 p.m.

I may have changed, but I still sleep for too long though.

"Don't worry mum. Everything will be okay." I say,

She smiled and that gave me hope that everything will truly be okay.




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