× Chapter 45 ×

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I woke up with fear. The time was passing by and I was doing nothing. I was afraid he actually won't wait for me.

All this time I was lost in this world where I think he will always wait, just like it is in the books and movies.

I got up and went downstairs. Mum was already there with John planning a few more small details for the wedding.

After a while I smile and go outside. I pull out my phone and decide to call Jessie. I wait for her to pick up. After a while she picked up, but I didn't hear her voice.

"Um, hello?" I hear Beth say. I wide my eyes and quickly hang up. I thought she isn't talking to them? Whaaat? I'm very confused.

I hear someone open the glass door from the backyard. It's Violet

"You have a secret guest for you at the front door. Hope you'll talk to him" She says and smiles

First person that flew across my mind was obviously Simon. I really hope it's him.

I sigh with a confused look. I quickly get up and ran to the door. I have half a smile on.

I open the door and immediately get so much disappointment

It was Chris.

"Hi." He says

My smile was already gone

"Hey" I say

"I see you were expecting someone else" he says

"I wasn't expecting anyone" I lie crossing my arms

"Seriously, you're still waiting for him?" he asks me

"Well, basically he is waiting for me, at least I hope so...wait wait, wait, how do you know about him?" I ask confused

"Violet told me." he says quietly

"Violet!!" I yell at her, but she can't hear me. I shake my head in disappointment

"Anyway, why do you want to talk to me?" I ask him. We sat down on the stairs in front of the front door.

"Um...do you want me to be your escort at your mum's wedding?"

"Really? You're still into me dude?" I ask him surprised. We've discussed our friendship overt the past few days. Now we're I guess normal.

"No, not really." He says shortly

"Violet asked me actually" he says

"That little snake." I shake my head

"We cool." He says and high fives me.

"You don't have a girl to take her to the wedding?" I ask him

"Well, I'm working on it." He says

After a few moments of silence, I say:

"I might have a girl for you, but you'll have to wait a bit." I say

"Is she from here?" he asks

"Well, yes. She was born here and everything, but she moved out to London. She was here actually a couple of days ago... I can ask her if you want" I say

"Yeah sure. I trust you" he says

"Good, good." I say

"I hope everything ends well with you and Simon" he says and gets up

"I hope too." I say

"See ya" he says and leaves. I get up and went inside my house

I'll call Jess soon. I don't know why Beth answered the phone... I hope Jessie isn't doing something behind my back.

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