× Chapter 92 ×

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20 weeks pregnant

My belly is growing so fast. I went to my ultrasound check today. Thankfully, my little baby girl is okay. Violet still doesn't know. I feel really bad I'm hiding this from her. I have to tell her, at least someone outside the casino has to know.

I hear a knock on my door. I slowly get up and open the door. It's Charlie.

"Hey Happs." He says, holding bags from the grocery store.

"Hey." I say, sounding pretty distressed.

"What's wrong?" He asks, putting down the groceries on the table.

"Just a lot going on in my head." I say

"You need to get some fresh air, walk around for a whole. You didn't leave your apartment in weeks." He says

"Yes, but I'm educating myself. I've been reading a lot books about babies and pregnancies.."

"You'll go take a walk with Roxanne today." He cuts me off.

"Charlie, I don't think that's necessary." I say

"Just go out for a bit, okay? It's a beautiful day outside." He says

"Okay, okay. I'll go." I say

"Great. I have to go to work now. Get ready, I'll tell her to come pick you up in 30 minutes, It's that okay?" He asks, as I open the door for him.

"Yes." I sigh

"Bye Happs." He says

"Bye." I say and close the door.

(30 minutes later)

I put on one of the only bigger t-shirts that I brought here. I put my sweater on and grey tracksuits. I hear a knock on my door. I open the door.

"Hey Happs." She says with a smile

"Why are you so happy?" I ask with a confused look

"I like taking care of pregnant women." She says

"What? That's a complete change of character." I chuckle, after a few moments of silence, she speaks.

"Let's go take a walk, get some fresh air, get some Ice cream."

"I'm not a little child, you can't buy me with Ice cream." I giggle

"What about an ice cream covered in chocolate syrup? I bet she would like some." She says, pointing at my quite big belly.

"Okay, fine." I say and put on my beanie.


We are sitting on the grass, eating our ice cream cones that we bought nearby.

"Do you ever wonder what is she going to look like?" Roxanne asks me

"Sometimes." I say

"Earlier, you said you like taking care of pregnant girls, what does that mean?" I ask with a confused chuckle.

"I loved taking care of my sister when she was pregnant, few years ago." She says as she eats her ice cream. I nod with a smile

"Ohh." I react when I feel my baby kick and move inside my belly.

"Are you okay?"

"She's kicking. I started feeling it last week." I say and look down with a smile.

"Can I ?" She asks for a permission to touch my belly.

"Yeah, sure." I say and gently put her hand on my belly. A few seconds later, she feels my baby move.

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