Start Over - Chapter 15

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"I don't wanna go." I whined damn near tears in the middle of the airport. Renee, Jazmine, Jamie, Lamar, and Andre were all waiting for me to get on the plane but I was procrastinating. Carter brung Camille to watch me leave for the next 2 weeks and that only made my procrastination worse. I didn't wanna leave my babies.

"Why don't you wanna go?" Carter inquired with a raised eyebrow. I've been talking about this trip for months geting on everyone's nerves and at the last minute, I talk about staying home.

"Because I don't wanna leave you and Camille." I replied. "I'm gonna miss my babies."

"We gonna miss you too mommy, when are you coming back?" Camille asked.

"2 weeks babygirl," I said kissing her forehead. "Y'all gon' be okay without me?" I asked seriously.

"Yes baby, we gon' be fine." he replied kissing me. Now he really gon' make me wanna stay, I thought. He deepened the kiss, sending chills down my spine. We pulled away after I remembered where we were.

"I love y'all." I said while Lamar pulled me by my arm.

"We love you too mommy." Camille exclaimed through the airport.

Once we were on the plane, Lamar finally let go of my arm sitting me down in my seat next to Jamie. We were gonna take a road trip but neither of our cars were big enough for everyone. I wanted Camille and Carter to come so bad but she had school and Carter had some business about his athletic career to take care of.

He wanted to get out of the game for Camille, our unborn son, and me. He knew it would be dangerous for us to be seen with him and he hated that. He was drafted a few weeks ago and that's all he's been talking about. I've never been so proud of him.

I sat back in my seat on the plane and got comfortable while everyone else talked. I slid Jazmine's cover off of her body and spread it over me.

"You lucky you carryin' my godbaby." she joked. I laughed and went to sleep, I was so hyper to see Detroit again.

"Granny!" I exclaimed once I got into my grandma's house. With her door halfway opened, she looked at my tummy smiling.

"Now when were you gonna tell me that I was having a great grandchild?" she asked in her soft raspy voice.

"Surprise." I said smiling. In all honesty, I forgot to tell her. She rolled her eyes playfully and she hugged me tightly, leaving space for my tummy in between us. She individually hugged the rest of us and guided us to her neat and cozy dinning room.

My mother looked so much like my granny. My granny was 5'3, she had a cinnamon complexion, she had light brown chinky eyes just like my mother, Lamar, and I, her hair was short dark and naturally curly, and she was so full-figured as well. Even for her to be 65, she looked good. 

"Y'all look so nice." my granny said smiling at all of us. We thanked her and we stayed a couple more hours for dinner until Jazmine suggested we visited her and Jamie's mom.

"Thank you for the dinner granny, we'll be back later. " I said kissing her on the cheek.

"Okay baby, y'all be careful." she replied before closing the door behind us.

I waddled to Lamar's car while holding Jamie's hand because everyone else was with their spouse.

"Fuck y'all relationship, Jamie my girl!" I said pulling her close to me making them laugh.

Before we could get any further, a dark red Mercedes pulled up behind Lamar's Yukon. Me being the nosy pregnant lady I am, I was staring the car down trying to see who was going to come out of it.

The car door swung open and my heart almost dropped to my stomach when I saw him. I must've been hallucinating. I stopped and gulped hard and slow when we finally made eye contact.

Jamie stopped with me along with everyone else and they followed my gaze towards him. I continued to look into his eyes as he looked down to my stomach. He then looked back at me with shock and hurt written all over his face.

"Lanay.. " He started. Before he could finish, Jamilla got out of his car with a belly the size of mine, indicating that he got her pregnant once again. A little girl who looked just like her Eman came out of the back seat and stood next to Jamilla while they both stared at me.

I tugged Jamie's arm and walked rapidly to the car with no tears at all to my surprise. She scurried behind me silent with confusion while the rest of us walked towards the car, also silent.

He lied to me. He said she was mistake. But you can't make the same mistakes twice, unless you have no common sense. And I sure as hell wasn't going to be stressing over a nigga who didn't have common sense or the decency to stop the lying, I deserved the truth back then. I even thought he deserved another chance. But now, that nigga doesn't even deserve my time.

Fuck Eman, I'm better off without him. I've got my King.

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