Chapter 81: Dead But Alive

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April 22, 2016~

After all I've been through.... I seem that I can't stop crying.

One by one, the things I loved and the people I love has to go away. Not because I want to but because nothing ever good last on me. Just when I was starting to heal, I break again. Months I've been planning revenge and just when I have it, something of me has to go. 

First my mother had to leave me once again. March 31 she left to Honduras, leaving without me. So once again my mother is gone for a month and I'm stuck with my father and my brother Steve who I dreaded the most. I cried when I had to say bye to my mother. I thought I could handle my life without her but I was wrong. Most of the days I would get punished by my father just because my hate towards Ana was getting stronger and stronger.

So strong I was starting to get uncontrollable.

The only thing controlling me is Emilio. If it wasn't for him....

who knows what I could have done or where I would be.

Not only I was punished by my father but life itself was punishing me where it hurt the most.

My heart.

It happened so quick that I forgot how to breath. The day me and my gang found out that my brother was messaging to Ana through an IPad, I decided to take drastic measures. Somehow Rose managed to hack in through his gmail and soon enough I found all the proof I needed to drown both of them.

Rose, Alisha, Kaitlynn, and me when to the library and first thing Rose did was to print out all their little messages. It felt wonderful seeing one by one, paper coming out from the printer.

A: Oh my love I just want to do it.

S: Tell me where.

A: I don't know. I just wish we can be together in bed naked together and forever. If only we can runaway at night but you live so far.

S: How about in school? It's the only way.

A: I'm scared.

S: What must I do to make you not scared?

A: You are mine and that is all that matters. You are MINE Steve!

S: Let's do it in school then.

A: OK because I love you I will do it. Meet me by the bathroom.

S: Kisses. By the way why do you like me?

A: Your are handsome and I like you from head to toes. I'm willing to forget everyone just to be with you. You should do the same.

S: Even my family?

A: Forget them. You got me now.

S: You're right I got you. My princess.

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