Chapter 12: Slowly (Part 1)

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Instead of waiting for him after school I ran off to my parent's car who were waiting for me. I felt bad not to wait for him but I needed to get out fast.

"What took you long?" My mother frowned.

"I uh... I had to turn a paper to one of my classes." I faltered.

"Sure you did..." My brother rolled his eyes beside me.

"Shut up." I growled.

"Let it be your last time." My mother warned me.

"Yes mom."

The ride was long so I remained silent for the rest of the ride till we arrived in front of a building. I felt the beat of my heart speed up and my head start to get dizzy.

"Don't worry everything will be okay." My father assured me.

"Thanks." I got out of the car and went inside the building with my mother.

"I'll be in the office signing you in." My mother left me.

I walked to the nearest restroom and locked the doors. Panic surged in me as I tried to remain calm. Fear of what they are going to say made me tremble.

What the doctors would say...



 I stared at myself in the mirror. I looked pale and so vulnerable. I was in some weird trance when there was a buzz in my pocket. I pulled out my phone to see an incoming text.


"Where are you? I waited for you."

I felt my heart sink and I slowly replied back.

"I had to go."

"Go where?" He quickly texted back.

"To the..." I was about to press send but a knock knocked on the door.

"Danni?" My mother called.

"Coming!" I quickly washed my face and opened the door. I gasped as my mother towered over me with a serious look.

"What were you doing?" She narrowed her eyes.

"N-Nothing I was washing." I stammered.


There was a long pause till my mother shrugged.

"They called you. Lets go now."

"Oh Joy..." I dragged myself behind my mother till we got inside the doctor's office. We waited for a few minutes till he came.


"Danielle how are you?" He smiled.


Did he seriously just asked how I was?


"I don't know what else to do for her." My mother spoke.

"Hmm I see... and how worse has it gotten?" He asked.

"Much more worse. Worse than when she was little. What else can we try Dr. Martinez?"


He remained quiet and started to scribble in a piece of paper. 

"Control." He finally replied.

"Control?" My mother sat straight.

"If she doesn't learn to control herself then the only option left would be that I recommend you to a dermatologist though it would be least likely they can do anything. If Danielle doesn't learn to control herself then nothing will cure her. It may take time but she must have control." Dr. Martinez gave me an understanding smile.

"I know its hard but that's the only thing left to do though I will prescribe some pills. Much stronger ones." He wrote on his paper and rolled his chair towards me.

"Can I see?." He grabbed my arm gently.

I slowly hesitated but finally pulled up the sleeve of my arm. Dry blood stained my elbows and deep cracks were on the surface of my arm. Dr. Martinez gave a slight frown and put his pen to the tip of his lips.

"It goes more of her body." My mother spoke.

"I see... Over the years I've never seen something so rare shall I say. This indeed will be a slow cure." He handed my mother the paper and wrote something in his computer. "I'll bring the nurse to give her a shot. It may ease the itch."

He left the room and in came a nurse. My mother got to my side as she saw me tense as the nurse pulled out a long needle.

"Arm please." She got closer with the needle.




"It hurts." I complained.

"Don't worry the pain will go away slowly." My father assured me.

"Yeah slowly to die." I rolled my eyes.



I pulled out my phone to check the time to only see forty-seven messages and twenty-three calls with eight voice mails.


I slapped my head mentally.



'Where are you?'

'Are you okay?'

'Danielle why won't you answer me?'

'What's happening?'


I scrolled down through the text messages to only see all were from Joe. I felt bad but I decided to not answer him at all. I turned off my phone completely and layed my head against the car's window.


"What's wrong?" My mom asked.

"Nothing." I sighed. "My arm hurts." I lied.

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